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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
I wish to end the Apple Cloud service for my photos and videos, cause im not using them enough, and i wish to download the photos/videos i have there in order to save them to my drive. How do u suggest in doing so, and when its terminated can i open it back again sometime?
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macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2021
Kepler 22b
I believe once it is terminated you will lose the data so it should be carefully backed up first. I suppose you can follow these instructions to download them to the Photos app and then export them into a folder separately.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
Official instructions on how to save photos/videos (as well as other data) from iCloud to your iDevice or computer:

After downloading/saving your photos/videos, the following page includes “How do I turn off iCloud Photos?"

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