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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 24, 2005
This arrived in my inbox this morning:

Explore New Worlds. Play EVE Online on Mac and Linux

TransGaming Technologies and CCP are excited to announce the upcoming release of EVE Online for both Linux and the Intel Mac. By integrating TransGaming's breakthrough portability technologies, Cider and Cedega, Eve Online allows players to interact in the same persistent online universe regardless of their operating system. For the first time ever, users will be able to log in and play one of the world's hottest MMORPGs using an official client for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux. The success of porting EVE Online quickly and efficiently with Cider and Cedega allows CCP to keep a laser-focus on evolving EVE Online, while simultaneously expanding the EVE universe to even more players.


macrumors newbie
Jan 12, 2006
Yes, yes and YES!

This is great news! Thanks for sharing!

Any time frame for this happening?


macrumors 601
Sep 8, 2003
All I know is what is in the press release.

The depressing part is that there was similar murmurings since April... and while there was apparently a call for Beta testers, CCP is pretty quiet on when the wrapped versions will become available.

It will be nice to be able to tinker around with my character again without booting into Windows though. :)


macrumors 68000
May 7, 2005
Known about this, but the trickle of info being released is pretty bad.

There was a topic about a closed beta signups for Mac and Linux but it seems to have disappeared from the EVE forums.

I think it's in closed beta atm.


macrumors newbie
Jan 12, 2006
Uh oh...

Well my excitement has been tempered a little bit because it appears this is NOT going to be native for OSX. Whoever CCP is working with is coding it in Cedaga or something like that. I'm not all down with this fancy stuff but it seems if it's not written specifically for OSX, are we just being set up to be disappointed? I hope not.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2002
Kellogg IA
I have X3 and C&C3 which have both been ported with the Cider wrapper, they both run fine on my imac. If it means more games in my fingers, I'm all for it. So far all the stuff has been drag and drop Mac style, one app. All the gobbledy gook is still in there, you can add mods to C&C3 you just have to view the package contents and find the mods directory. But so far these games seem to be running as Transgaming claimed they would. I expect they will only get better at optimizing the technology as time goes on.

2.33 Core 2 Duo
3GB Ram
128 MB X1600


macrumors 68040
Aug 11, 2005
Behind the lens
All I can remember about EVE is that there was that HUGE "scam" that went on inside.

Took a year and dozens of users, but someone infiltrated one of the larger corporations, became a bodyguard even. Then they killed the CEO, who was a really big person in the universe, and with precision timing destroyed/stole all of the corporations assets all over the place.

All told it was something like a few $100,000US worth of actual money "lost". In a game. Ouch.

Plus I hear the "death penalty" for the game is quite steep. Even more ouch.
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