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macrumors member
Original poster
May 29, 2009
On MBP running Sierra my icons on excel (2011) files has changed to a program icon I used in the 1990's . I believe it was called Zen of Mac. Looks like a little "Jack in the box". See screen shot.

Any ideas on how to restore Excel icons?


Screen Shot 2017-07-19 at 6.31.12 AM.png


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
Looks like an old ResEdit file.

See if this works: select an Excel file in the Finder, Get Info (command-I), go down to the "Open with" popup and select the Microsoft Excel application, and then click the "Change All..." button.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 29, 2009
Looks like an old ResEdit file.

See if this works: select an Excel file in the Finder, Get Info (command-I), go down to the "Open with" popup and select the Microsoft Excel application, and then click the "Change All..." button.

That was first thing I tried. I had forgot app name "ResEdit" . that was it. I used it in system 6 and 7 in the 90's. That was ages ago

I will reset Launch Services. That should do it

Thanks Brian
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