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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 6, 2021
I have a mailbox (gmail) with 15gb of mail (10gb attachments). Is it possible to:

  • Export mails into doc/rtf
  • Put every letter in a separate folder
  • Put the name of the sender in the filename (with date optionally)
  • Put attachment of the letter in the same folder
I tried the Mail app and it exports letters in rtf, but the filename is the subject of the letter, i can't put an attachment in the same folder, the attachment if the filename.

Thunderbird is also of no use.

Is it possible to do it (at least partially - put the attachment with the letter) maybe with another mail client? Outlook or something. Or in linux or windows?

Maybe it is possible to do through terminal? Some script with a terminal mail client. Or maybe with the automator?


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
If it is possible via scripting I'm pretty sure it would be a large effort.

Since it's Gmail have you checked online for Chrome add-ons that might at least get you part of the way there?
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