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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 22, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
Dear Mobile Me users,

Do you have any problems with spam? I have used Mobile Me for 1,5 years, and not received one single spam mail!

Today - I have received over 20 with the same structure, different addresses.

How does one tag spam mail as spam mail in mobile me? And how to do it on the iPhone?

Can't describe how annoying it is after 1,5 years of serene spam-free mailbox.

Does Mobile Me offer configurable spam-threshold?



macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2009
Buffalo, NY
Dear Mobile Me users,

Do you have any problems with spam? I have used Mobile Me for 1,5 years, and not received one single spam mail!

Today - I have received over 20 with the same structure, different addresses.

How does one tag spam mail as spam mail in mobile me? And how to do it on the iPhone?

Can't describe how annoying it is after 1,5 years of serene spam-free mailbox.

Does Mobile Me offer configurable spam-threshold?


I never had any spam in the 4 years I have used it.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 20, 2005
Nashville, TN, USA
I find that my spam increases each time I get an email from a friend (any friend) who forwards an email he/she got and does not take off the previous addresses, and who also puts my email address in the "to" of the email rather than the "bcc" field. This is so annoying! Soon after I get one of these, I can count on getting more spam! It will subside after a while, but as soon as someone sends me more like this, it will start again. We need to educate our friends on how to properly protect their friends (us)!

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
IWe need to educate our friends on how to properly protect their friends (us)!
I do that regularly, including a friend I had to remind yesterday. Even though it's a case of "locking the barn door after the horse has bolted", I remind people who broadcast their emails with the TO field to use BCC the next time, and most of them remember. If they don't, I ask them to take me out of their address book.
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