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Mr. lax

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 6, 2007
I have heard rumors of Fable: TLC being ported to mac, i was wondering if anyone knows the specific details of this (anything is helpful).

Also i would like to know if Fable 2 will be ported to mac?

Thanks in advance.


macrumors 68040
Jan 16, 2007
I have heard rumors of Fable: TLC being ported to mac, i was wondering if anyone knows the specific details of this (anything is helpful).

Also i would like to know if Fable 2 will be ported to mac?

Thanks in advance.

Fable the lost chapters is coming to mac, I don't remember the release date, but I think it was within the next month.

Umm.. it's kidna two early to tell when Fable 2 will be ported, but hopefully soon.


macrumors regular
Apr 12, 2007
They are working on a port to the mac. but i dont think a release date has been set. i do know the developers (Feral Interactive) is currently working on Black and White 2 (which i'm really looking forward to). Thats scheduled for Q2 of 2007, so i would imagine Fable would follow after that. However it runs great in XP via bootcamp.


macrumors 68020
Dec 9, 2004
Feral got kind of behind on their Mac releases. However they are starting to get back on track...I'd expect it this year. How's that for precise. :)



macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
Just a thought, but since I'm betting Fable for Mac will be $50 when they release it, and you can get an Xbox and Fable for on eBay for about $80, you'd probably be better off doing that, which will then open up a lot of other cheap gaming options for you.

My only complaint about Mac gaming isn't the games available, but their price! I understand the reason, but it doesn't make paying $50 for a 3+ year old game any more appealing.


macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2006
its taken them this long, im sure fable for mac will have a few bonus features that didnt come in pc or xbox.:) :apple:


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
its taken them this long, im sure fable for mac will have a few bonus features that didnt come in pc or xbox.:) :apple:

I doubt it. There's no reason for them to offer anything other than bug fixes... I'm surprised they're even bothering at this point, to be honest. The crowd of people who haven't played this game yet, but want to must be pretty small by now, seeing as it's been on the XBox for 3 years and PC for about 2 now. With Boot Camp being available now as well Mac users have had quite a bit of chance to play it already.

They'll make a few sales, sure, but not enough to put much time or resources into porting it AND generating new content. All I'm saying is not to get your hopes up for anything other than Fable: The Lost Chapters when it is eventually released.

That said, it's a fun game. I grabbed the original Fable (no copies of TLC in stock and I didn't feel like traipsing around town looking for one) a couple weeks back and it's been enjoyable. It's a short game, though, which is fine... it's a bit to easy to be long, if that makes sense. I would get bored with it because it's easy if it was much longer than it is. So far, I'm about 80% through the main quest, and about 30-40% through the rest of it.

To be honest, I'll play through the main quest, and probably a little more of the side stuff, but won't ever bother with most of the "replay" content like getting married, buying and renting houses, etc. I'm getting a 360 and Oblivion shortly, which looks to have so much more depth to it I'm sure I'll swap Fable for something else as soon as the main story is over.

But, again, definitely check Fable out in whatever fashion you can. It's fun and was easily worth the $10 I paid for it... I should say it would be easily worth twice that, which is what they are charging for TLC new in stores currently.


macrumors 68020
Jul 3, 2003
its taken them this long, im sure fable for mac will have a few bonus features that didnt come in pc or xbox.:) :apple:

That may be true, with Feral's games at least. They try to push a little extra out of the licenses they get. For example, Worms 3D had better quality graphics for the weapons screen and XIII had all of the maps from the PC and console versions.

Feral certainly has fallen behind on their schedule. They were supposed to release the Lego Star Wars II demo like two weeks ago! :eek:


macrumors 68020
Dec 9, 2004
I doubt it. There's no reason for them to offer anything other than bug fixes...

It's Feral we're talking about. So it's entirely possible...check out the additions for The Movies, for example. I wouldn't expect anything major, of course.



macrumors newbie
Apr 23, 2007
I just emailed the general address at Feral and got a pleasant enough response from someone there saying that they were definitely still doing the game and were currently working out bugs.

But yeah, it'd be nice to see it out for Macs before everyone had already stopped caring.
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