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macrumors 68000
Aug 7, 2011
Columbus, OH
Anyone tried one of these knock-off smart covers:

They are a fraction of the price and look identical. I'm just wondering about durability and sleep/wake functionality. I could get 4 of these for the price of an Apple cover.

While not always true, generally 'you get what you pay for' tends to be a pretty hard and fast rule. I'd imagine it looks nice. I'd imagine sleep/wake works fine (it's just a magnet). I would imagine they don't take the greatest care in ensuring the magnets on the edge are perfectly aligned to easily allow for auto-align, and I'd imagine durability will be less than the genuine. There are exceptions to the rule, but they're cutting corners somewhere....the key is to find out whether they're doing it in areas that affect you.

The other option is that they're stolen Apple smart covers (since they come without packaging).

SnowLeopard OSX

macrumors 6502a
Dec 5, 2012
I'm not a big fan of the smart covers, anyways -- since they fail to protect the back of the iPad against scratches, stains, and abrasions as well. I've always been a big fan of iPad folio cases (both leather and faux leather) -- they're durable and also have magnetic components that provide automatic wake/sleep functionality.


macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2008
While not always true, generally 'you get what you pay for' tends to be a pretty hard and fast rule.
Maybe when talking about technology or high quality products like macs or purses. But when talking about a 32cent piece of vinyl that Apple sells for $40 dollars then it's hard to feel that Apple is giving a "you get what you pay for" item that cant be replicated.

I paid $80 for my iPad2 leather smart cover and it literally fell apart at the seams (which is why I suspect they dont have leather mini covers). So did I pay $80 for Apple quality or did Apple rip me off because I couldve bought a knockoff for 1/5 the price?

Anyway, I bought two Apple brand Mini smart covers ($40ea) and in comparison to the larger smart covers then they suck. The magnets arent strong enough, the colors arent great and they dont function very well as either a cover or a stand. But since i still do like the smart cover idea then ijust ordered fake off ebay for $12 because its black and it really couldnt be much worse than Apples.


macrumors member
Oct 30, 2012
I actually had one of these knock offs. It works, however the quality of the cover itself isn't as nice. Edges kind of does this weird lift thing. Didn't fit my ipad well at all. I ended up dumping it and buying a real one from Apple. This was one thing where you do pay for what you get.


macrumors 6502
May 10, 2011
Ann Arbor, Mi
And for $7 more, why not get the real deal. Mine's shipping right now:

That might be a knockoff, fyi.

I've considered it, but how would I tell?

And it says genuine all over the description, lists the model number and everything, so if it's a fake, I can cry to ebay.

Received in mail, after taking a hard look at it and using it, as well as looking online to see what the fakes look like and going into the apple store to see the true apple packaging, it's real!


macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2012


macrumors newbie
Mar 25, 2011
I bought a tan leather one from amazon not too long ago for $20 and it has help up greatly.

I compared it with my friend's authentic $70 black one and they feel similar, leave the same stains on the screen, and all the magnets were similar enough in strength. I may have gotten lucky, but I am pleased with my purchase.


macrumors 68020
Apr 27, 2005
I've seen many, many, many cheap smart cover knockoffs. Some are decent, but the vast majority are noticeably inferior to the real thing. The smart cover is one thing where I'd gladly pay full price. Not that it's worth that much, of course. But, I'd rather get the real thing and avoid the headaches of dealing with a subpar product and then ordering another one to replace it.


macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2012
Greater Toronto Area
we have one of these and it sleeps well and the magnet is descent...issue is it has frayed at the edges and it is coming apart...6 bucks gets you that I suppose
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