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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 13, 2003
i know its new but I'm wondering if or how playable farcry 4 will be on rMBP
so if anyone is getting the game that happens to also have a retina macbook pro please don't hesitate to give it a try and report back



macrumors newbie
Nov 19, 2014
I have played on my rmbp 2014 Iris Pro (graphic performance nearly the same like 650m) and it's playable but with Medium/Low graphics, it's not so funny... Far cry 3 with Hight graphic was better!!!
I wouldn't buy it.


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2012
I'm finding it tough going on a 2011 iMac 3.1 with a radeon 6970m 1gb.

to start with i had it on high and it was beautiful but frame rates weren't great, dropping it into medium it looked similar to far cry 3 and seemed okay, but any time theres a fight (i.e. most of the game) i end up playing it on low, which makes it look like far cry 2. and the reason i didnt end up playing far cry 2was the graphics were rubbish.

EDIT: ive persevered, and i take it back, on medium settings it plays well, the game is very similar to far cry 3 but with some nice additions like when you go to the hymalayas in the snow.
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