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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 8, 2012
Newbie to fcp.
I keep my library files on an external drive, I want fast and snappy editing on my M1 mini, I am less worried about fast rendering times.
Will moving the cache and backups to the internal drive make a significant difference to editing as thumbnails and pre rendered video have faster access?


macrumors 68040
Feb 10, 2008
It makes a noticeable difference when your working library is on internal memory, caches and backups not. What kind of external drive do you have, USB, Thunderbolt?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2021
Thinking about this aswell. Yesterday when editing just a couple of minutes of 4K (or UHD to be precise) footage, applying LUT and so on in FCP my internal drive om Mac Mini M1 filled up just after some ~30 minutes give or take.
I only have the 1TB version, but it seems strange that it reached 90% of that capacity in such short time.
I moved "everything" i saw in Preferences to my External SSD (8TB) and the internal SSD was back to around 20% in a couple of seconds.
But then I got warning of dropped frames instead.
What is the best practice for the settings doing 4K/UHD editing in FCP (and simultaneous WAV-editing in Logic Pro perhaps) regarding to cache, library and so on, so I doesn't fill my entire internal drive and not dropping frames?
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