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Original poster
Sep 30, 2019
The main Issue I have with apple photos is the lack of support for Video Date Created reading. Lets say for the past year you have used Apple photos from your Iphone, Ipad and Mac and everything is pitchy organized. You find your old device with older videos you spend time changing titles and date created information on its properties hoping the 2013 videos or even 2018 videos will follow the timeline given by Apple Photos app. Sadly while photos it will work Apple clearly does not want to accept photo date creation even if you manually inserted since Videos do not have an exif. I hope a lot more people who read this could see the issue with this.

For example this happend today. I found my old Galaxy S4 which had around 208 videos. I spent the time renaming them based of date created and made sure the name of each video is based off of date creation these were all 2013-14, now using apple photos app I uploaded each of them and instead of apple reading date created for videos would place them as if the videos were made on the day I uploaded them. Apple does read exif data from photos and usually will 90% of the time put them in the correct timeline; but not videos.

When clicking video properties it would be this for example

Title of Video: 20140223_231014
Lenghth: 00.14.12
Size: 198 MB
Frame width: 1920
Frame height: 1080
Date modified: 2/23/2014 11:10 PM
Date created: 2/23/2014
Frame rate: 30
Total bitrate 50000kbps

So what apple decides for video when uploading/importing is ignore Date modified and Date created and choose to make the videos of the date it was imported which what happened to me was 7/13/2020. So I am seeing on the photos app timeline my 2014 video belonging to 2020 and there is no option for me to change that. I personally do not own a Mac computer only ipad and iphone and I hope Apple gives us the option in photos to fix or at least change video date created to fix the incorrect timeline
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