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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 17, 2018
Yasar University
This is mine first application on iOS, so if you download the app and make a review I will be very glad. Thank you.

● Feey News is an application which shows each news inside of a card. If you want to add a news to read list you can swipe that news to right and it is automatically added to read list. If you do not interesting with that news you can easily swipe left and ignore that news.

● Later you can read that news description which you added read list without any internet connection. You can reach that news from read list page.

● And of course, you can add new sources and remove sources from the source page. There are thirteen sources for now.

This is how we use Feey.
It is easy to use.
It is easy to understand.

● We add a secret path to Feey and we are sure you will find that very secret path.

App Link : Feey News - Itunes Store

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