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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
So today I found a cool site:

On that web page, there's an image of FileMagnet. The FileMagnet screenshot looks white and red. White text on a Black background is what is what it looks like on the App Store). I'd much prefer the white and red version... what does FileMagnet really look like? I don't wanna buy it and find out that it's white text on a black background.... I don't really like that look.
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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
There's a pretty awesome site called Google too.

Where there are at least SEVEN reviews of FileMagnet with screenshots on the very first results page.

There...that was easy wasn't it?



Dude... who knows what version of FileMagnet they're reviewing. I looked up screenshots of it and they all showed the black version... however, I didn't know if there was a newer version of FileMagnet that had the red and white... so I'm asking if anyone here HAS it that can confirm if it's black or white... maybe there's a setting in the Preferences that can change the colors... I have no idea... I can't find that in the reviews. So instead of getting on me about google searches, why don't you try and help answer the question instead of giving me a link to what I already did.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
I'm starting to think that's a future version update coming soon because none of the reviews show the new colors... I hate the white text on black... it looks so stupid.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2008
You could email the developer and ask him.

Otherwise, there are no settings and there is no way that I can see to change the interface colours at all. White text on black background for managing files.

If you find out please post back.
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