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Administrator emeritus
Jun 28, 2002
North Central Colorado
I always debate whether to use the 3rd party software tag or the Apple software tag on Filemaker stuff - does anyone really care, or is it just me?


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
You could always use 3rd party, then just say Apple subsidiary..., or something like that. I don't think anyone would care either way though, to be honest. Those who don't know any better wouldn't be bothered to "correct" you and those who do probably already know who Filemaker is and wouldn't care which you used.

Slightly off-topic: Is it just me, or does MacCentral, now MacWorld news, suck now? It can't be just me, because the few comments left that aren't affiliated with the site are just talking about how much they hate the new layout. The old MacCentral would have had a ton of comments on this story, and last I checked there were none. I hear people are going to be switching to MacBytes (or MacMinute, but they don't have comments), so thanks for the slew of updates today.

On topic, I don't use FileMaker myself, but I know some people who will be very happy with this news. I wonder if this version is any better than the last one (which seemed to be ok, but had some issues).
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