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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 25, 2018
Hi guys,

I'm just starting with FCPX, and few days ago I had some issues with my project.
So I'll start from the beginning.
I've started my project on external disk, because I did not have any space on my Mac. So everything was cool, and I was finishing my project, but I've done something stupid. I've closed my Mac, and pull out the disk without ejecting it first, the fcpx was opened and I think it was rendering something. After that I realized what I have done, so I connected the disk first, and then opened the Mac. Then I saw the problem (first screenshot), I didn't know what is this, so I started looking in hope I recover the project.
I found some answers, that I can copy all the files from the library folder, and past them to new library. But it doesn't work, it shows problem with copying "Frame 0 - 1023" and it's called "error 36". (second screenshot)
Then I tried to recover from backup, and another problem was appearing that the file is damaged (third screenshot)

For now, I don't know what to do. I was searching the answers in google, but I dont found any.
I still believe that it will be possible to save the project.

I've tried to open library on another Mac, but there is the same problem.

I will be grateful for any answers.
Problem fcp.jpeg problem finder.jpeg The Finder can not complete this action, some data can not be read or written to "Frame 0 - 1023". (Error code -36)
problem fcp 1 2.jpeg
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