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benjo oner

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2008
i recently bought a macbook, with two gigs of ram, and was wondering if anyone would know if final cut studio two would be able to run properly? i dont really care for motion, soundtrack or colour, obviously it would be nice if they did work, but theyre not crucial like final cut pro, dvd studio and compressor. the apple site says they dont work with integrated intel graphics processors? but some other sites has said it works fine with their tests (although these were done with final cut five point one). so, im confused.
has anyone actually used it and had it work fine? cause im hoping it does...
and if it doesnt, is there any equivalent (or more basic version) of compressor and dvd studio that i could get? but preferably better than idvd. and is compressor much better than sorenson squeeze? besides the usual apple things that make thing easier?

benjo oner

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2008
i have everything under "Minimum Requirements to Install All Final Cut Studio Applications" or more, except the AGP or PCI Express Quartz Extreme graphics card. which is the only thing it specifically says that it doesnt run with. but as other websites have said, it does work fine. but it also, in the specific requirements for each individual program, says, that you only need a better graphics processor for colour and motion, which i doubt i'll use anyway. so from the sounds of it, from reading that page over and over, i think that it will work, but only if i dont use motion and colour? i was just wondering if anyone had actually tried it themselves so i could know for sure.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2008
UK? Yeah I'm OK. Stop asking.
i have everything under "Minimum Requirements to Install All Final Cut Studio Applications" or more, except the AGP or PCI Express Quartz Extreme graphics card. which is the only thing it specifically says that it doesnt run with. but as other websites have said, it does work fine. but it also, in the specific requirements for each individual program, says, that you only need a better graphics processor for colour and motion, which i doubt i'll use anyway. so from the sounds of it, from reading that page over and over, i think that it will work, but only if i dont use motion and colour? i was just wondering if anyone had actually tried it themselves so i could know for sure.

are colour and motion like, seperate programs or do you actually mean COLOUR and MOTION? like, not black and white and moving? because if you're not bothered about those I don't know why you'd want final cut pro...?


macrumors 65816
Apr 29, 2007
i have everything under "Minimum Requirements to Install All Final Cut Studio Applications" or more, except the AGP or PCI Express Quartz Extreme graphics card. which is the only thing it specifically says that it doesnt run with. but as other websites have said, it does work fine. but it also, in the specific requirements for each individual program, says, that you only need a better graphics processor for colour and motion, which i doubt i'll use anyway. so from the sounds of it, from reading that page over and over, i think that it will work, but only if i dont use motion and colour? i was just wondering if anyone had actually tried it themselves so i could know for sure.

Short answer: You'll be fine.

Long answer....:

Have a look at these benchmarks - an old MB model, but it's useful.

Intially, Apple said FCS didn't support MBs - it later revised its support notes to say that you can install it, but certain apps like Motion may experience performance issues.

CPU-intensive apps like FCP, the MB handles brilliantly - with ones like Color, which are GPU-intensive, performance is far from great, but it's still usable. If you had said you were going to use Color and Motion extensively, I would have said a MB can't be recommended, but for little (or no) use, I've no hesitation in saying go for it... just don't blame me if it goes wrong! ;)

In the video-editing forums, there used to be a few posters who said they were using MBs quite happily with FCS - so I would have a look there and maybe repeat your question there.... I'm sure you'll get the same advice as I've given you, though.

A while back (I haven't been on MR for a little bit) I posted some other links to people running FCS on MBs, which you should be able to find with a search - but I'm sure I could find one or two for you if you would like.

Hope that helps!


macrumors 65816
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
If I had a MacBook I wouldn't even want to run Final Cut Studio on it. I have Final Cut Studio 2 on my MBP and it runs great. I would suggest not using it on a MacBook if you are using GPU intensive applications. I need the power, so I got an MBP.


macrumors 65816
Apr 29, 2007
If I had a MacBook I wouldn't even want to run Final Cut Studio on it. I have Final Cut Studio 2 on my MBP and it runs great. I would suggest not using it on a MacBook if you are using GPU intensive applications. I need the power, so I got an MBP.

Color and Motion are the only two GPU-intensive apps in FCS, as I say if benjo oner had been intending to use those a huge amount I wouldn't recommend using a MB, but he's not - the apps he intends to use in FCS are CPU-intensive ones.


macrumors 604
Aug 28, 2007
San Francisco California, USA
I'm using Final Cut Pro HD...

on my BlackBook, and have made 3-4 videos, about 10-15 minutes each, while hooked up to a 23" cinema display or 40" Sony Bravia for viewing. It's been rather easy and fast, with editing the soundtrack or editing clips. I haven't had any problems at this time. Get a large external hard drive to keep your projects off of your MB. :cool:


macrumors 65816
Apr 29, 2007


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2004
West Coast - FLORIDA
i recently bought a macbook, with two gigs of ram, and was wondering if anyone would know if final cut studio two would be able to run properly? i dont really care for motion, soundtrack or colour, obviously it would be nice if they did work, but theyre not crucial like final cut pro, dvd studio and compressor. the apple site says they dont work with integrated intel graphics processors? but some other sites has said it works fine with their tests (although these were done with final cut five point one). so, im confused.
has anyone actually used it and had it work fine? cause im hoping it does...
and if it doesnt, is there any equivalent (or more basic version) of compressor and dvd studio that i could get? but preferably better than idvd. and is compressor much better than sorenson squeeze? besides the usual apple things that make thing easier?

I can say with out any doubt that the MacBooks with handle FCP just fine. I use my Core Duo 2.0Ghz w/ 2GB of ram almost everyday editing with Final Cut Pro. Rendering any effects or color corrections do take a bit longer then my Dual 2.5 G5 editor but the MacBook still works great. I do not even attempt (nor did I install) motion. DVD studio pro and Soundtrack work fine.

On a typical day I capture 2-3 tapes (45 mins per tape) to create a 25- 30 minute show. I then export the FCP reference file to DVD studio Pro and make DVD. I mainly use a 15 frame dissolve or cuts only editing. I use the Jumback animations with outline text for titles and lower thirds. I usually ony have 2-4 tracks of audio in the FCP timeline.

The requirements ont he box ( I feel ) are for the entire suite of software. Each program does have different requirements.

One question I do have for you is ... Do you really need Final Cut Studio? If you are a student you can get the academic version of Final Cut Express and do alot with that. Need to burn basic DVD's?? use iDVD. It could save you a bit of $$$

Hope Ive helped ya out a bit

benjo oner

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2008
thanks a lot guys.
since i wont be using colour or motion (the programs, not the nouns. haha) im pretty sure the rest will work fine. thanks again.
but just another quick question, say if i were to get final cut express instead, is there any compression programs that i can acquire separately that would compare to 'compressor'? i used to have sorenson squeeze, and was very happy with that. has anyone used both? and anything that would compare to dvd studio pro? idvd is nice and simple, but i need something with a bit more customisability.


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2004
West Coast - FLORIDA
thanks a lot guys.
since i wont be using colour or motion (the programs, not the nouns. haha) im pretty sure the rest will work fine. thanks again.
but just another quick question, say if i were to get final cut express instead, is there any compression programs that i can acquire separately that would compare to 'compressor'? i used to have sorenson squeeze, and was very happy with that. has anyone used both? and anything that would compare to dvd studio pro? idvd is nice and simple, but i need something with a bit more customisability.

I can't help you on the alternate to compressor,sorry I use full RES video at the tv station I work at
If you are looking to save a few bucks on final cut studio see if you qualify for the educational discount. I bought a system and FCP studio for a relative who was a student and saved quite a bit of money.


macrumors member
Jul 23, 2007
How Do I Install Final Cut On My Notebook?

I just got the final cut studio 2 and wanted to install it on my macnotebook. 80GB). Since the program demands about 50 GB of space I tried to install the program on my external hard drive, but it does not work...

Does anyone have a suggestion? Is there no way to install final cut on an external drive? Can it be a proble of my external drive, or is it simply just not possible?

Also, are there any other ways to get around the problem? To just install parts of the program? I have just used imovie so far and am not an expert, but would like to progress in my film editing...

I would be very thankful for some advice!!!:)



macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2008
and this is why I have a pc with a 3.2Ghz C2D and an 8800GTX! Motion runs like garbage on my macbook, but on a hackintosh with an 8800GTX it runs like butter.


macrumors 68020
Nov 18, 2007
Right the programs it self are 4GB the 56GB is extras.

Go Here were it is being discussed, You can install FCS2 but these programs won't run well in MacBook: Color and Motion.

Short answer: Yes it can be installed and it will be fine everyone that says that it won't work (Excluding Color and Motion) are wrong just install it already.

Sage Harupyuia

macrumors member
Mar 8, 2008
Well i dont have Final Cut Pro, but i have Final Cut Express installed in my Macbook and as far as i can see, there's no performance differences in making the rough cuts and video transitions.

The advantage of the Macbook Pro's gpu comes in when the final rendering before export is carried out.
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