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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 3, 2008
I decided to update to Lion 10.7.3 today and to the new "iOS-style" Airport utility. It looks like Mac address based access control is gone now. Oh well. It was a pain to use anyway. But what was alarming is that 2 of my 3 devices had problems with the upgrade to 7.6.1 firmware. I started with the Time Capsule. It doesn't act as my router any more so it was the lowest risk. It updated just fine. I then turned to my Airport Express. The update said it failed with an error number of 2753 (I think). I searched for it briefly and decided if it wasn't common enough to rank on the first page of google returns I should look elsewhere. I went to None of my devices would qualify for support as they are too old. So I decided to climb 2 flights of stairs, unplug my AE (which extends my AEBS' wireless network) and plug it back in to see what would happen. It turned solid yellow so I launched Airport Utility on my iPhone and by the time the app came up my AE was back on line. I glanced down the hall and sure enough the light was now green. And the firmware version now said 7.6.1.

So now I decided to be brave and risk my only connection to the outside world by upgrading the firmware on my AEBS which would take down my 'net connection and my VOIP phone service if it didn't come back to life. The upgrade failed in the same spot it had failed with the AE but this time the error number was -16. This time I picked "restart base station" in the Airport Utility menu on my Mac and waited to see if it would come back. I waited longer than it takes my Mac too boot. Ok it's a hybrid SSD based Mac so I never wait very long but it seemed long. I walked over to the AEBS and was about to unplug it when I noticed the LED had turned green.

Now the version number for all 3 of my AE/TC things is showing 7.6.1 firmware so I guess I'm all set until the next upgrade comes out. I hope Apple makes it a little more robust. Nobody likes seeing errors for upgrading the firmware of their only way of getting on the 'net!

I'm posting this to let you know if you upgrade the firmware in your AE and see an error, it might not be such a big deal and a restart (or a little more time) might be all you need.
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