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And the First Assignment will be....

  • Warmth

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Height

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Contrast

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Holiday Preparation

    Votes: 14 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
Ok, while we still debate the rules in this thread, let's start work on our first assignment. This will give us time to have an assignment ready for Dec 2005 (I suggest we number it #0, so #1 is for Jan 2006).

Either post assignment ideas here or PM me with them and I'll post them here anonymously. We can then start a Poll say Dec 1 with 10 assignment ideas and vote until Dec 4 included.

Sorry if I seem to be taking over here, it's just that I think this such a great idea. That and I have a lot of spare time right now. I'll be taking up a new job on Dec 1st so I wont so much of a pain in the future. :)

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Applespider said:
I guess the most obvious one would be Holiday/Christmas preparations; might be interesting to see if people can come up with fresh takes on the subject.

Once we have 3 or 4 ideas, I'll start a poll and use that to determine the first assignment.

I'll suggest contrast.



Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
Applespider said:
I guess the most obvious one would be Holiday/Christmas preparations; might be interesting to see if people can come up with fresh takes on the subject.

I second that one.

I think I'll shoot for the anti-holiday one myself.. though I love this time of year. I think it might be fun to try and find my local Ebanezer Scrooge.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Four good ones, now go vote and the voting ends in 4 days and the assignment starts.

It also gives us a few more days to work out the details :D



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
What's "Holiday Preparation?" Is it just anything to do with the holiday season, like great photographs of people decorating a tree? Ice skating outside? Shopping? :confused:

PS: I'm in Australia, so I'm not sure about my ability to take a Xmas-y photo like I could have in Canada quite easily. I'll try my best, but the best thing to do for me would be to gracefully bow out and just observe if this theme wins. :p

Or I may take a stab in the dark and submit a photo (and destroy you)



macrumors G4
Abstract said:
What's "Holiday Preparation?" Is it just anything to do with the holiday season, like great photographs of people decorating a tree? Ice skating outside? Shopping? :confused:

It's vague enough to be almost anything to do with Christmas; the trick is to try to get a unique perspective on it which might be easier to do in Oz. If there's tinsel wrapped round a lifeguard station on a beach while he's wearing a Santa hat, that would probably qualify!


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
I'll cast a vote once I think on it a little more....but I have to say, these are VERY open ended.

If everyone overrules this then so be it, but I had imagined a little more definition in the assignment, otherwise repeats are going to be monthly.

If we define a topic of shooting (people, floral, architecture, whatever) and then one of these themes to compliment that, then we have a lot more definition. Our respective demographics and eyes will give enough separation between submissions but give a little more substance to the assignment.

If you take a look at the general functions/inputs of a camera and we choose one each month, we could shoot the same topics and have varying results. If we choose " 'cold' architecture" as one assignment, a month or three later we could have " 'warm' architecture" (this theory applies to more than warm/cold, and more than architecture if you hadn't guessed ;) ) Not only would those images vary by the actual buildings used (based on artistic interpretation of 'cold' and 'warm' in architecture) but also the color scheme and approach may very well be completely different!


macrumors G4
efoto said:
If everyone overrules this then so be it, but I had imagined a little more definition in the assignment, otherwise repeats are going to be monthly.

I quite like the very open-endedness since I think it will allow for more creative interpretations and less requirement for technical know-how.

I don't think we'll end up with too many repeats since there are a lot of abstract concepts/subjects out there (light, dark, childhood, fire, water, earth, flowers, birds, trees, blue, fun, depression, sky, houses, tents, chimneys off the top of my head); and with images needing to be taken during the challenge period, they'd always be slightly different anyhow. We can always narrow them later if we feel we need to.

macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
Bay of Fundy
maybe we should have two categories, one open-ended like those in the poll, and one that is more specific to really test creativity. then maybe stagger them so we are not all out rushing on two assignments at once (kind of like what I'm doing with essays right now ;) )


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 9, 2002
:noitаɔo˩ said:
maybe we should have two categories, one open-ended like those in the poll, and one that is more specific to really test creativity. then maybe stagger them so we are not all out rushing on two assignments at once (kind of like what I'm doing with essays right now ;) )

I think we already making this whole thing over complicated :p
How about alternating between a very open assignment and a more detailed/specific one? This would keep everybody happy and help diversify both assignments and assignment interpretation. :)


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
Applespider said:
I quite like the very open-endedness since I think it will allow for more creative interpretations and less requirement for technical know-how.

I don't think we'll end up with too many repeats since there are a lot of abstract concepts/subjects out there (light, dark, childhood, fire, water, earth, flowers, birds, trees, blue, fun, depression, sky, houses, tents, chimneys off the top of my head); and with images needing to be taken during the challenge period, they'd always be slightly different anyhow. We can always narrow them later if we feel we need to.

I don't think my suggestions take that much technical know-how, but if you'd prefer to keep them open ended that is fine with me. These four seem really open, even the 'of the top' suggestions you made seem more focused to me, perhaps I was just judging the ideas a bit early. We can give this a go and see what happens, I'm fine with that.

whocares said:
How about alternating between a very open assignment and a more detailed/specific one? This would keep everybody happy and help diversify both assignments and assignment interpretation. :)

I think we can give the above a try and see what happens. If people start to feel lost in the openness of the assignments, we can buckle them down a bit more.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Sometimes openness in a topic can actually stimulate creativity, as then people really have to THINK before they take camera in hand. I remember in my PHT 101 class, all of the assignments were very open-ended and at first, I was really in a panic, as I had expected to be told to shoot something very specific. By the third or fourth assignment, I'd got the hang of it and understood the instructor's intent much better. My previously untapped creativity began to flourish for just that reason.


Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
I think we should just try it and see what happens - tweak the future assignments as necessary.



macrumors 6502
Mar 1, 2004
In a nice place..
I think a photo of a christmas tree (or palm tree, or whatever tree) decorated with lights and stuff on a sunny day, on the beach, with lots of beautiful sun bathing girls would be great (for the guys of course) :)


Abstract said:
What's "Holiday Preparation?" Is it just anything to do with the holiday season, like great photographs of people decorating a tree? Ice skating outside? Shopping? :confused:

PS: I'm in Australia, so I'm not sure about my ability to take a Xmas-y photo like I could have in Canada quite easily. I'll try my best, but the best thing to do for me would be to gracefully bow out and just observe if this theme wins. :p

Or I may take a stab in the dark and submit a photo (and destroy you)


Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Ok, so it looks like Holiday Preparation is the first assignment.

Post you're entries when you have them as separate threads for now - Thread titles in the following format "Assignment #1 - *username*"

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