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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 21, 2004

I posted here a couple of months back about php but that ended right when I couldn't even get mySQL to work. Since then I've basically been doing nothing...

Now i'm getting into programming for other things like games. I needed a little help to get started.

1) What's a good platform/program or whatever, that's free? (for games and other programs)

2) What's a good tutorial site to get me started quick and easy?

3) Don't tell me to buy a book. I did that for php and lost myself to easily. I'd rather start out with some simple tutorials from the internet. That's been working out pretty good for me.

4) Finally... Why can't I get an avatar? I clicked the no avatar when I first came to mac forums and now I can't choose the [reset fields] button.



macrumors 603
Jul 23, 2002
Holly Springs, NC
If you couldn't learn PHP from a book, I have doubts that you would understand game programming :rolleyes:

You get a tar after 500 posts - so you got a while.

Exactly what kind of games do you wish to develop?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
It depends on what sort of games you want to write. Quartz/Obj-C can support 2d games (sprite based stuff) easily. For 3D stuff you probably want to get into Open GL. If you cannot get MySQL working Open GL might be a big jump!

Install the Apple developer tools (for XCode) and look at the samples (/Developer/Examples/OpenGL).

You will probably want to buy a book! Once you understand how to program (this is language independent, if you can't program no language is going to save you) a good reference for the environment can be invaluable.

You need a certain number of posts to get an avatar. It's in the FAQ!


macrumors 65816
Jul 23, 2004
Stop... please... you've already posted:

You were told then, and are being told now. Programming games requires a lot more skill than what you currently have.

Buy a book and take a university class. No one here is going to be able to teach you programming enough to program a game. :rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 21, 2004


Thanks for the help. I feel ridiculous right now about the AVA thing

I'm flattered on of you took the time to look up one of my old threads.

And on the PHP note. I do get it, it's actually not that hard to understand and the book did help me but I'm just too lazy to fix mySQL. Plus my computer is a hand-me down and has gone through a lot of use (dropping it and soo forth). technically that shouldn't affect how the programs work but for some reason it does. Especially w/ installation.

although you'r probably right about the taking a class thing I'm going to stick with what I first said. I'm getting started on this. I don't plan on making HALO 3 right at the start. I just wanted to know a good starting language thats free and a site with some simple tutorials. I never expected to make a game overnight or even in a week. Trust me, I was confused enough when I started w/ PHP to know its not a bad idea to start slow.Please feel free to answer the questions I asked earlier.

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