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macrumors member
Aug 2, 2004
San Francisco
I tried it... works so far.

So far, so good. I'll admit that it's handy to have something in the menu bar to control iTunes rather than Command-Tab to get over to iTunes.

Apple should build in some Dock controls, though. I've already got enough stuff tacked on to the Menu Bar. Bluetooth, iChat, Airport, Sound, etc.


macrumors member
Jan 21, 2004
Visby, Sweden
xenafu said:
I still have the hots for Synergy but the fact that this one's free is very attractive.

Same here, Synergy just feels better.
You can control iTunes from the keyboard without activating it.
Haven't found that in "You control".


macrumors 68030
May 7, 2002
2 Much Infinite Loops
jchen said:
So far, so good. I'll admit that it's handy to have something in the menu bar to control iTunes rather than Command-Tab to get over to iTunes.

Apple should build in some Dock controls, though. I've already got enough stuff tacked on to the Menu Bar. Bluetooth, iChat, Airport, Sound, etc.

well, Apple is developing something similar (but it would be a widget).


macrumors 68020
May 7, 2003
Saint Augustine, FL
I've got Quicksilver installed, which claims you can do this kind of quick keyboard navigation, but I just can't get into the habit of using it.

For example, I just tried "it" and managed to get "iTunes" this time (last time it gave me some document), but then "pl" gave me "paste"

I think I can bring up Dreamweaver with "DW", but it gives me a guy from my address book. I suppose I could type "Dream" and get it. So, then I try something simple like sending mail to the guy who comes up with DW, so I type "Ma" for mail, then choose Email To (I suppose I can start typing that now that I know the command) and then "DW", and it ends up wanting to email the whole to the guy.

Perhaps i'll abandon Quicksilver, and just try to find menubar room for Syn, since all I really need to do is quickly pause iTunes when someone calls.


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
I've tried it, and like it ore then Synergy as a whole.

Howerver in some ways Syergy has more polish, but it's perfect for what I want to do; control iTunes from menu bar and show an overlay of what is happening if I choose.

You can also set global hotkeys though I haven't figured out exactly how. (You can see them in the screenshots on the website.)


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
FYI, Apple does have limited Dock control--you can see the current song, control playback, even change ratings. Crtl-click, right-click, or click-hold on the Dock icon.

But this seems to have more options than the site's screenshots suggest--I'll have to try it!


macrumors 68020
May 7, 2003
Saint Augustine, FL
Yeah, Synergy is quite neat. I'll use it just for the play/pause hotkey.

But, the little bezel thing showing the next song comes up before the current song ends, when using Airport Express. Kind of interesting.
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