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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 1, 2017
Hi folks,

I tried launching FS2X-Plane (a tool developed by Marginal) last night, but its just won't launch. that last time I used it was on a previous OS X release, but I'm not sure which version.

In reading up on potential fixes, and following one in particular, it then requires Python Open GL 3.0.1 to be installed. After doing so, I still can't get the app to launch. o_O

This is a bit of a long stretch... but I haven't had anyone come forward to say they have a working version for OS X 10.12.6, and wonder if anyone here has one that works?

If so, please reply below. I'd really appreciate it if you'd be able to send over a copy of your FS2X-Plane, Python version and anything else that gets the app launching and working ok, or tell me how to fix this myself.


macrumors G3
Sep 8, 2002
The Netherlands
I see no-one else has replied.... I don't use it on macOS.

I use VMware Fusion with Windows XP for FS2XP. I feel it is more stable and both FS9 and FSX "install directories" are fully supported and every FS9/X scenery installer runs.

So, that's my advice to you: get Parallels or VMware Fusion and run Windows XP. And then run the FS2XP tool on Windows (I'm sure Windows 7+ runs fine too, but XP uses less resources).
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