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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2005
Chicago, IL USA
I have one of the very first mac minis that came out. It's empty. G4.

Have an intel iMac.

Have a regular external HD running time machine.

I'd like to use firewire and throw things on the mini from the iMac that I want to be able to access, but that I don't want around all the time. I would like it to always be connected though.

Is this possible? Will they play nice? I know it was intended for mainly file transfers... not constant use like this but does it cause a problem?

Thanks for any help. I'm finding conflicting answers on google. :confused:


macrumors 6502
Feb 7, 2007
funny, this is the same reply i just posted to another thread:

sure. enable apple file sharing (AFP) and connect via ethernet, firewire, or wifi.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2005
Chicago, IL USA
Thanks for the replies. My external is a newer tech external and it uses FW to connect to the imac. FW 800.
The newer tech also has a fw 400, which is all the mini has. I know I can buy an adaptor but...
Everything I've read says no other firewire devices can be plugged in while in target disk mode anyway... so does this make my goal moot?

I don't quite understand using it as an external via ethernet or wifi... Wouldn't that be slow? Not that I even understand how to set this up. I've been trying to figure this out but :confused:


macrumors 6502
Feb 7, 2007
if you just want to use the mini as an external hdd, then target disk mode is fine. just need a fw800 to fw400 cable or adapter. less than $10.

if you want to actually use os x on the mini, like hook up to a tv or whatever, then turn on apple file sharing on the mini (system preferences -> sharing), connect the imac to the mini with an ethernet or firewire cable (note the address afp://xxxx), open finder on the imac, hit Command+K (connect to server), enter the afp://xxxx address of the mini and it should connect (you'll need to login with your username/pw on mini). you can also do this all wirelessly as well.


macrumors 65816
Jan 9, 2007
If you don't need to use the G4 Mini as a computer, just hold down the T key on the keyboard and it'll start up in Target Disk Mode. Then just hook it to your iMac via firewire and it'll look like a firewire disk to the iMac.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2005
Chicago, IL USA
All is becoming clearer now, thank you all. i guess step 1 is get osX off the mini, then get converter. Thanks again.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Although it can be done, it sort of seems like a waste. I'm sure the Mini has a relatively small HDD so why don't you just sell it and buy a real external with a greater capacity? Hell, I'll take it off your hands and give you a 750gb FW/USB external drive :D
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