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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 27, 2022
I use GarageBand frequently and between two devices, an iPhone and MacBook Pro. (The GB app runs different versions on iPhone vs MBP) I was going through files recently using the search feature in Finder, and buried in the package contents of different GarageBand project files I saved, I found really random and odd screenshots that I hadn't seen before and which definitely did not originate from, and were nowhere to be found in the photos app. I checked to make sure they weren't just accidental screenshots that I had taken myself since some the files I was seeing were from the iPhone version of the GB app (so easy to take accidental screenshots on iPhone), but there were also screenshots saved in the package contents of projects I created using my MacBook Pro. (I hadn't even figured out how to do screenshots properly on a MBP until a couple of weeks ago) All these screenshots were seemingly taken while I was in the middle of project creation and showed my tracks laid out and such. It looks like an actual screenshot that a user would take but I know for a fact that I didn't take these. Also, given the file location (in the package contents of the project file itself) it's pretty obvious to me that I didn't put these here. The strange thing is that the majority of them have file names like: arrange_screenshot_.png or arrange_screenshot_big.png but none off them are actual screenshots of my computers screen, as they only show the contents of the GB interface and I rarely ever have it open fullscreen on my MBP. They only seem to be "screenshots" exclusively of the GB window. I want to delete these, but do not know if that would somehow corrupt the file. Also, if anyone knows more about this or could explain it to me that would be super helpful. Thanks.
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macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
They're used as icon images if you QuickView your GarageBand projects. You can safely put away your tinfoil hat, just in case you thought Apple had some underhanded reason to be secretly screenshotting your work.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 27, 2022
They're used as icon images if you QuickView your GarageBand projects. You can safely put away your tinfoil hat, just in case you thought Apple had some underhanded reason to be secretly screenshotting your work.
That makes sense. If there are multiple "screenshot" files in a project's file package would I be able to delete one without damaging the file?


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
Just leave everything in the package files alone. It's not designed for you to probe around in. The space the tiny screenshots take up is so infinitesimally small compared to the data that even websites leave sprawled around the drive of computer that they're not worth bothering about.
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