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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 16, 2011
Too all of you out there who use jailbreaking for the sole purpose of pirating apps, to hell with you! You are the reason Apple cares so dang much about jailbreaking, which results in these extremely long wait times between iOS updates and jailbreak availability.

I can't imagine them spending even a fraction of the resources that they spend on jailbreak-prevention now if all they were doing is stopping people from theming their device, or changing the default browser.

Yeah, it's convienient to be capable of testing apps before buying them, because I know better than anyone, there are a lot of crap apps outs there, but the ugly sad truth is that only a very small percentage of people use pirating software for this purpose, for everybody else, it's a choice between "Oh, this app sucks, glad I didn't buy it *delete*" or "This app isn't half-bad, nobody will care if I just keep it for a while". Apple should just add a 15 minute trial (time can be increased at the developer's discretion, but not decreased) to every app in the app store, then we would be able to get rid of this excuse for piracy once-and-for-all.


Oct 7, 2010
Too all of you out there who use jailbreaking for the sole purpose of pirating apps, to hell with you! You are the reason Apple cares so dang much about jailbreaking, which results in these extremely long wait times between iOS updates and jailbreak availability.

I can't imagine them spending even a fraction of the resources that they spend on jailbreak-prevention now if all they were doing is stopping people from theming their device, or changing the default browser.

Yeah, it's convienient to be capable of testing apps before buying them, because I know better than anyone, there are a lot of crap apps outs there, but the ugly sad truth is that only a very small percentage of people use pirating software for this purpose, for everybody else, it's a choice between "Oh, this app sucks, glad I didn't buy it *delete*" or "This app isn't half-bad, nobody will care if I just keep it for a while". Apple should just add a 15 minute trial (time can be increased at the developer's discretion, but not decreased) to every app in the app store, then we would be able to get rid of this excuse for piracy once-and-for-all.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Apple fights these jailbreaks because they are security vulnerabilities....they have no choice because some malicious group might take advantage of the hole and try to install some kind of spyware....


macrumors 68040
Mar 3, 2008
I have to agree with this, sort of. Apple's still a little ocd about things, so it's both the vulnerabilities and their want to control things.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Apple fights these jailbreaks because they are security vulnerabilities....they have no choice because some malicious group might take advantage of the hole and try to install some kind of spyware....


macrumors 6502a
Oct 9, 2008
Too all of you out there who use jailbreaking for the sole purpose of pirating apps, to hell with you! You are the reason Apple cares so dang much about jailbreaking, which results in these extremely long wait times between iOS updates and jailbreak availability.

I can't imagine them spending even a fraction of the resources that they spend on jailbreak-prevention now if all they were doing is stopping people from theming their device, or changing the default browser.

Yeah, it's convienient to be capable of testing apps before buying them, because I know better than anyone, there are a lot of crap apps outs there, but the ugly sad truth is that only a very small percentage of people use pirating software for this purpose, for everybody else, it's a choice between "Oh, this app sucks, glad I didn't buy it *delete*" or "This app isn't half-bad, nobody will care if I just keep it for a while". Apple should just add a 15 minute trial (time can be increased at the developer's discretion, but not decreased) to every app in the app store, then we would be able to get rid of this excuse for piracy once-and-for-all.

Can't a guy trail Angry Birds all the way thru the game and then make an educated decision if he wants it or not? How will you know if you like some of the later levels if you can't trial the entire game?:confused:


macrumors 604
Nov 5, 2009
The reason is security not pirating.
Don't worry yet, the App Store is doing just fine.
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