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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Are you sure that you aren't confusing WiFi Sync with iCloud backup?
If you read my posts above, you will see that Apple first caused a wifi sync issue when updating 7.04 to 7.05. They did not fix this with 7.06 or 7.1

Then they also removed all local sync bia iTunes but I did not install it. I did, however, use iCloud and soon had various sync issues, s did many other users.

I then returned to local sync and it worked well at first but soon after, a combination of gremlins saw calendar loop, notes deleted forever and contacts in triplicate. Some, not all.

Apple is wearing me out. Where I live, survival is really hard. On top of that, bad eyesight and a tiny iPhone screen. Am partially disabled from spinal injury, all leading to heart attacks and stroke.

I share a Macbook with a relative and we have our own user accounts each. I need to rely upon my phone alone until I can use the MBP usually between 3am to around 9am. Sometimes I need to wait for days pn end before I can sort out this mess.

I had Nokia with a Dell that worked like a dream. I was forced to Mac due to circumstances. It is the worst IT experience I ever had and I had tp make do with CP/M ages ago. Even that worked better than this. Gremlins keep popping up and support forums on sees others complain about similar issues.
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