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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2003
Tucson, AZ
I've designed a web journal in HTML/CSS that uses a free PHP news management system here. Googlebot visited and indexed my site while it was under construction and got the first page in the index, but it has no title, description, or anything. Since then (over 5 months now), Google has not returned to flesh out my actual content or even to add a description and title to the entry to my main page.

How can I get Google to come back?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2003
Tucson, AZ
Yep. That's how they got me the first time around. I've submitted it again but I'm dubious as to whether they take return requests :rolleyes:.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 1, 2005
Near the Singularity
first and most importantly make sure you are submitted to DMOZ as it takes at least 6 months to get on, many search engine spiders crawl DMOZ monthly for sites, etc. Make sure your submission is complete and together and then do not contact DMOZ and ask them about your listing or you will be bumped back to the bottom of the pile, DMOZ still uses humans to review and add sites to it's directory, and the humans sometimes let the power go to their heads and will bump you down to the bottom of the review pile if you bug them. DMOZ is the gateway to Google, Yahoo and all the major SE's. Also Google crawls and recrawls sites every 30 days or so, but if it's spiders run into any of the many blocks or requirements it doesn't like it flags the sites for re-review and it goes in to a longer review cycle. Two links below one for DMOZ submission page and one for guides and tips to Natural Search and Google rank that I have found to be priceless over the years. Hope some of this helps... :)


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2005

I also highly suggest submitting your website to Google Sitemaps...

There is a large amount of 3rd party apps out now other then the original Python app released by Google to create these sitemap XML files.

[edit] Also let me know if you need any help doing this, I'll try to help you out as fast and as best as I can. [/edit]
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