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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006
GOG has these on a sale price this weekend.

All $4.99 £3.21 each

Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Gothic 3
Gothic 3:Forsaken Gods Enhanced Edition

Which one is worth getting or get them all ?

I have read some dodgy reviews on this series of games.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2010
Central CA
I got Gothic I when it was on sale for 4.99 USD around Christmas. I played it for about 5 hours and was totally immersed, so I went overboard and bought them all.

It is a tough game, but you really feel like you are there in that atmosphere. There is quite a learning curve...prepare to die a number of times, and save often!

It is old school has more in common with the older Elder Scrolls games (like DaggerFall and Morrowind) than any of the newer games (Oblivion esp., and Skyrim). If you like those kind of games and you are looking for a challenge--get it.

BTW, I have been playing Gothic I in Wine on my 2009 MBA without a hitch, *after* I followed some special instructions on the Wine site. I have also installed it on my Asus G73 i7 with Win7 Ultimate, and it plays without a hitch. It does have some choppy areas in places, but it definitely is playable.

Wait, I didn't get Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods, because it got trashy reviews. Apparently one publisher or another got the rights and gave it to a hack studio to develop, to milk more profits.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 15, 2004
Gothic 1 and 2 are very solid.
Gothic 1 and somewhat Gothic 2 has a bit weird interface, but the stories are very good.
Gothic 3 is very underrated, at launch it was a mess, but it was patched over like 5 years and is now a very good game.

The games are not limited as most RPGs, you can change side to the Orcs and destroy the humans if you want.

Forsaken Gods is made by another studio and it is absolutely atrocious! Stay away!

Gothic 2 is my favorite, but be aware, it's a quite hard game, but don't give up, also many quests and tasks can be solved in a totally different direction.
G2 does get a bit easier after the start tho, but be prepare to die a lot in the start.


Gothic 1 and somewhat Gothic 2 has a bit weird interface, but the stories are very good.

A little tidbit of history for you. Gothic 1 & 2 were originally meant to be PS2 games, and the interfaces were designed with a gamepad in mind, which translated a little weirdly to a mouse and keyboard when Piranha Bytes moved over to the PC.

If you set up the games to use a joypad with something like Joy2Key, they feel much more natural in comparison. In fact, when I get nostalgic and decide to fire up the first 2 Gothics again, it's one of the first things I do.

Gothic 3 is very underrated, at launch it was a mess, but it was patched over like 5 years and is now a very good game.

The fan patches are what you're thinking of (which I believe are still being made). The official patches fix some of the bugs with the games, and make it a little more stable, but it's the fan patches that make the game truly good.


It is old school has more in common with the older Elder Scrolls games (like DaggerFall and Morrowind) than any of the newer games (Oblivion esp., and Skyrim). If you like those kind of games and you are looking for a challenge--get it.

Actually, I'd say they have more in common with the Ultimas and, in a way, the 3D Zelds moreso than any Elder Scroll. The ES games are about simulating an entire country filled with tons villages and dungeons to explore. The Gothics have a smaller focus, but paint what's there with a much finer brush.

They're nowhere near as sprawling, but everything you come across feels much more alive and detailed due to the tighter focus.


macrumors 68040
Jun 15, 2004
Yes I was thinking of the fan patches.
However the latest patch is actually an official one, as the devs actually started working with the community group!


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006
Yes I was thinking of the fan patches.
However the latest patch is actually an official one, as the devs actually started working with the community group!

Where can these fan patches etc be found ?
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2010
Central CA
FYI, there were some good FAQs on GameFAQs about this. This saved me a lot of need to use the "CTRL" key in conjunction with other keys for action:

6. Controls ***********
Gothic is played with a mouse and a keyboard. It might be a bit difficult to learn the controls in the beginning, but once you learned how to do it, they will feel like the backside of your hand.

Left Control (Use) + Up Arrow This is the combination that will do most of the things in gothic. Its used to pick up stuff, to interact with things in the world, to fight wich is about everything you need. It also helps you to climb ladders, and open chests/doors.
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