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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2009
Northumbria, UK
Received mine yesterday and very pleased so far, although it did occur to me that Griffin could have made the Loop 25% smaller whilst still retaining the same stability.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
When I was at the Apple store last week I took at look at the "Loop...." and ruled it out. Too big, not portable enough. For just quickly sticking my iPad into a stand I use a Gibson 3-wire stand (Amazon) and this folds up nicely for transport, or I can now use my recently-received Moviepeg holders, which are also transportable.

Gibson 3-wire stand:


macrumors 68000
Apr 24, 2010
Rock Ridge, California
I don't believe the Loop was ever intended to be a stand for being carried around. It was made to have that 'artsy' look, that would fit in with other modern looking Apple products.

Like you I have a few of those wire stands that I purchased from my local arts & crafts store. Great for portable propping of the iPad for viewing, but not so great for playing Plants Vs Zombies or doing anything needed for a steady ( such as typing ) reclined position.

The Griffin Loop has become one of my favorite iPad related purchases.
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