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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 18, 2007
I'm switching over to a Mac Mini after Leopard comes out in October. I'll probably get the 2.0 ghz processor with 2 gbs of ram. Will this be able to run Halo? Also, I only own the PC version. Can I just use the serial number from that to play on the mac, or do I need to buy a whole new disk?


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2006
I'm switching over to a Mac Mini after Leopard comes out in October. I'll probably get the 2.0 ghz processor with 2 gbs of ram. Will this be able to run Halo? Also, I only own the PC version. Can I just use the serial number from that to play on the mac, or do I need to buy a whole new disk?

If you are going to run the PC version, then you are going to need a copy of XP or vista to run it thru bootcamp or parallels software. Your serial number should work fine.

When Halo first came out I ran it on a celeron laptop that had integrated graphics and it barely ran. The MacMini's cpu and intel GMA 950 graphics chip are more powerful than what I had, so you should be able to run it but it may have to be at lower settings. For more specifics do a search here at macrumors on halo and macmini or the macbook since its specs are similar.

good luck.:)


macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 18, 2007
Sorry, but with the question about the license code, I was wonder if I downloaded the binary from here, could I use the license code from my pc version to download it? Or would I have to buy an actual copy of the mac version of the game?


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2006
Sorry, but with the question about the license code, I was wonder if I downloaded the binary from here, could I use the license code from my pc version to download it? Or would I have to buy an actual copy of the mac version of the game?

The universal binary is for the mac version of halo and improves performance on intel macs. If you are going to play the pc version thru bootcamp you don't upgrade with UB. You would just download whatever patches the pc version needs normally.

If you are asking me if you can you get a free mac version of halo using your pc serial code, the answer I imagine is no. You would then have 2 copies of the game for the price of 1 and developers who ported the game tend to frown on that. Blizzard is the only company that I know that has released games in the past for mac and pc on the same disk. If you want to play the mac version and not your pc version then you will have to buy a mac version. I've seen them on ebay for as little as $20.

good luck:)

Scarlet Fever

macrumors 68040
Jul 22, 2005
It runs on my 1.83GHz CD MacBook, but not very well. It's good enough to be fun, but don't expect to forget you're playing a computer game any time soon.
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