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macrumors 68020
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
Dead on arrival...
You make Dead Rabbit sound like a bad thing. I strongly disagree šŸ˜



macrumors 601
Jun 22, 2006
The thick of it
When you create a new product with a completely different interface, you'd better nail the implementation of it. Perhaps this and the Pin didn't spend enough time on that. Apple always takes their time before releasing a new class of product, and usually they get it right. (And sometimes they screw up established products, like the Magic Mouse.)


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2024
Great Scott, everyone is suddenly reviewing it this week: Mashable, The Verve, CNET, Engadget, and the list goes on. It has no market if Siri worked properly. At home, Alexa reins supreme.


macrumors member
Mar 7, 2024

Special-purpose devices are neat in concept, but here in the real world everyone has a smartphone and you either need to offer something additional that a phone can't, or (if you're a big-dreamer) a spectacularly compelling reason to carry your thing instead of a phone. If everything your device does can be done more or less as well by a smartphone app, then it has absolutely no reason to exist.

This thing is neat, sure, but... it's basically a smartphone app with a more-limited UI wrapped in expensive hardware? Why on earth would you buy it and carry it around?

The Humane pin is actually trying to replace your phone entirely, but based on reviews is many iterations away from being anywhere near able to do that, if it ever will, so in reality it's doing functionally what an app on a phone can, except much worse.

Smartwatches are an example of something in this general category that does succeed, because they do offer something the phone doesn't--health monitoring, time, silent and quick notifications on your arm--and it's designed for use in situations (jogging, swimming) where you genuinely don't want to or physically can't carry your phone.

Dedicated cameras are another example--a decent modern phone is enough camera for the large majority of people, but if you really want or need more (quality, lens variety, zoom, etc.), there's a reason to buy and carry a camera that isn't part of a phone.
Did you stumble out of reddit, guy?
100 % agreed though


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Hey you there.

Yeah you the rabbit thing.

Get in line with the Humane pin thing and follow the sign that says ā€˜To ewaste pit ā€”ā€”>ā€™
I said it from the start. Itā€™s just investor media hype. The reality is itā€™s just another LLM packaged into a pointless, gimmicky device.

Buyers have all been conned!
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macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
The only AI I need is on a watch.
With possibly a camera for identifying things. Everything else is superfluous.
The reality is all smartphone platforms will offer this and better directly in their OSā€™s. No doubt iOS 18 will smash this, as will the next Android OS. Moreover, the ā€œrabbitā€ element will be part of our watches and you have a seamless setup. As others have said, the R1 is dead on arrival.
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macrumors member
Oct 5, 2022
I believe the Large App Model (LAM) and Large Language Model working together is exactly what iOS and most UI of the future need to get a grasp on, along with the fluidity of contextual spoken language and screen information. It has the potential to completely simplify and change the way we use our phones from the way we use them today.

The Rabbit R1 is pretty cool but smartphones are apex predators and they are not about to compromise their position on the food chain when all of the R1's features can be incorporated on the system level of iOS or Android with relative ease. Or more simply, an app.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2015
You donā€™t understand the genius behind the GenAI device era.

The makers believe you will never read your documents so you need a bot to summarize them.

The makers believe you donā€™t know whatā€™s in front of the camera so you need the rabbit to tell you whatā€™s in front of the camera.

Users are just stupid things who hand over money and let the rabbit thing do all the thinking.

Thatā€™s the business model with AI.
Yeah, but if Apple put one out there would be a line down the block to buy one for $499.00.


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2018
Hey you there.

Yeah you the rabbit thing.

Get in line with the Humane pin thing and follow the sign that says ā€˜To ewaste pit ā€”ā€”>ā€™

Even if these products worked perfectly and delivered on all promises, they'd still only be a new OS update or a great AI app away from being obsolete.

Before launching, they had the first-movers advantage over many products that we won't see until mid-to-late 2024 or sometime in 2025.

But they've now largely squandered their head-start and all the hype they garnered.

Silly rabbit. AI is just software, not a separate $199 device!
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2021
Itā€™s called technology and understanding the market and competition allows you to see how trends are evolving and why Apple and itā€™s competitors are developing the way they are.
I donā€™t come here to read about tech from other companies


macrumors member
Jan 9, 2007
Will be good to see AI drive down the prices of devices. It is not traditional way of doing things and does not need as much horsepower when serving. I would love to see an iPhone 18 pro in the $500 range.


macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2006
Apple probably looking at the $200 price tag and thinking - how about we offer new AI only on the Pro models and add $200 to the price.


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
I donā€™t come here to read about tech from other companies
And yet you did and you commented about it. Seems like youā€™re actually interested, after all.

This kind of article is about technology and the industry that Apple a part of. Ignore the environment and you can develop tunnel vision. What Rabbit R1 and the Humane AI Pin are doing are examples of a technology that Apple has said that they will be incorporating into their devices. Think of this as a preview of what we could see from Apple. Hopefully Appleā€™s version will be much better integrated because integration is something that they do well.
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