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Has the throttling issue been blown out of proportion?

  • No. In fact, there should be more outrage.

    Votes: 115 33.8%
  • No. Apple has received the appropriate amount of backlash and loss of trust.

    Votes: 68 20.0%
  • Yes. It’s not as big a deal as people are making it out to be.

    Votes: 157 46.2%

  • Total voters


macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2011
Sorry I bumped it guys. There's no deterring him. Since jailbreaking was still going on when the 6 was released, clearly this is the only reason why apple has engaged in hidden and overly aggressive "power management" in their latest versions of iOS. He's got a point. You cannot argue the logic that there was at least 1 jailbroken iphone 6 in the history of iphones so the company needed to, I mean employ power management on every single once including the iphone 7 that was only 1 year old. Yup, this guy has it figured out.

He's not just blindly defending apple. He wouldn't turn down a free iphone 4 bumper or anything like that. I mean, you'd have to be simply crazy to buy a brand new iphone 4, have it not work, and then turn down a free bandaid to fix it because of "what we're doing to the company". He probably also wouldn't start a thread on a public forum about trying to secretly video tape members of his family with the awesome 720p iphone 4 camera. Nope.

edit: Can wait for my $1249 iphone x to be throttled with ios 12 because I jailbroke my iphone 5s. Serves me right.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
A whopping 47% of the votes say that there is no issue and the whole situation is overblown.

It's nice to know there are levelheaded people amongst us.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
A whopping 47% of the votes say that there is no issue and the whole situation is overblown.

It's nice to know there are levelheaded people amongst us.
"There's no issue" doesn't appear to be part of any option in the poll.


Mar 22, 2016
Dark side of the moon
A whopping 47% of the votes say that there is no issue and the whole situation is overblown.

It's nice to know there are levelheaded people amongst us.

Numbers always sound great but mean very little when a poll is comprised of opinions.

So the ever growing lawsuits, and an entire country suing Apple over the issue is just overblown hyperbole? Then we hear Apple will offer the option to "Turn off" throttling if the user chooses in future updates. So is this going to lead to gaggles of dead iPhones? The fact that they will reverse the throttling of phones proves the whole issue was fabricated. Your alternative facts are getting into Trump territory. Please....
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macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
Where do you get your statistics? Numbers always sound great but mean very little without proof.

I don't know. Perhaps the poll results at the top of this page?

So the ever growing lawsuits, and an entire country suing Apple over the issue is just overblown hyperbole?

"The entire country" isn't suing Apple. LOL. Class action lawsuits are a scam, the lawyers filing these class actions are the same as those who advertise on Jerry Springer between the "my lesbian sister slept with my husband" and "you are not the father" segments.

Then we hear Apple will offer the option to "Turn off" throttling if the user chooses in future updates. So is this going to lead to gaggles of dead iPhones?

People will use the switch once, their phones will die, and they'll turn that switch off thanking God Apple created the feature to begin with.

The fact that they will reverse the throttling of phones proves the whole issue was fabricated. Your alternative facts are getting into Trump territory. Please....

The fact that you can't see a poll on the header of every page of a thread you have been participating in for weeks proof you must be using an Android.

I am hiring a lawyer to make sure that this new switch is irreversible. Turn it off, you can never turn it back on again, give the whiners what they deserve- a trip to the Apple store to purchase a brand new iPhone SE at a cost of $549.


Oct 12, 2015
I don't know. Perhaps the poll results at the top of this page?

"The entire country" isn't suing Apple. LOL. Class action lawsuits are a scam, the lawyers filing these class actions are the same as those who advertise on Jerry Springer between the "my lesbian sister slept with my husband" and "you are not the father" segments.

People will use the switch once, their phones will die, and they'll turn that switch off thanking God Apple created the feature to begin with.

The fact that you can't see a poll on the header of every page of a thread you have been participating in for weeks proof you must be using an Android.

I am hiring a lawyer to make sure that this new switch is irreversible. Turn it off, you can never turn it back on again, give the whiners what they deserve- a trip to the Apple store to purchase a brand new iPhone SE at a cost of $549.

LOL....Without these class action lawsuit and government investigation, I doubt Apple would give a **** about offering battery replacement program and offer way to turn of that stupid throttling.

Ya all Apple fab are just sad. Ya defend Apple everything regardless right or wrong is laughable.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
LOL....Without these class action lawsuit and government investigation, I doubt Apple would give a **** about offering battery replacement program and offer way to turn of that stupid throttling.

Ya all Apple fab are just sad. Ya defend Apple everything regardless right or wrong is laughable.

I looked for a Huawaii forum and couldn’t find one.


macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2014
Since Tim Cook stated that you will be able to turn off the throttle if you want to. I'd like to see how many people actually do that.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
We should keep in mind that throttling only impacts those with a battery that has obvious levels of wear. My iPhone 6S was throttled with a battery that had 30% wear. With a new battery the CPU stays planted at ~1850 mhz until the battery level gets very low and then it drops a couple hundred mhz. Also battery health and wear level is somewhat arbitrary, a battery that shows 50% "wear" isn't akin to having a new battery that is 50% smaller.

As a battery wears out its efficient discharge rate decreases. If you ignored the batteries health and maintained a healthy battery levels discharge rate the resistance of the worn battery causes an increase in current which could damage the battery or the phone. Once the phone detects this it will shut down due to over current. This is why even a calibrated battery will turn the phone off when battery level is higher than 0%. The obvious symptom of draining a battery faster then it should is heat, which is why you may notice an older phone heats up more doing task it didn't heat up when it was new.

This is just the physics of batteries, they wear out. At this stage (hardware in customers hands) Apples options are,

A. Ignore safe discharge rates and let the phone shut down due to over current (what they were doing prior to iOS 11)
B. Ignore safe discharge rates, remove over current protections and cross their fingers too many phones don't burn up
C. Throttle current (what they are doing now) via CPU frequency.

I guess I could through in another one but its dumb.

D. Throttle current via any other means required that doesn't affect performance like reducing screen brightness to near 0, reduce cellular, wifi, bluetooth power (reducing range or disconnecting), etc etc.

This is exactly like the wiring in a house. You have the load center with circuit breakers and wiring in the walls to outlets. If you plug something into the wall and it draws more power than the circuit it designed for the breaker will trip (over current). Without that breaker in place the resistance in the wiring/connections will cause heat, uncapped (not throttled) and the wiring will fail. The solution to the breaker tripping is YOU throttle the power being used (current) by using less devices on that circuit or run those devices at lower capacities.

"Power users" shouldn't care because say for example you are encoding a movie or something on your iPhone. If the power required exceeds what the battery is safely capable of delivering the CPU is throttled and you get worse performance but you still get some performance. The alternative would be the phone shutting down prematurely and losing your project/progress.

Which was a rampant problem by the way (and still is depending on how worn out the battery is). Thread after thread of phones shutting down at 20%, 30%, etc and most of us noticing this with older iOS devices at one time or another. Yet when Apple institutes a remedy we get people complaining, whining, law suits, etc etc.

Personally I find the issue blown out of proportion because generally you wont even notice the performance difference. The basic task don't require 100% CPU performance. Many other task are bound by other variables like network speed. Other task are just slower but still work (iMovie for example). Things that are effected and you are able to notice, like certain games just keep in mind that you were discharging a lithium ion battery too quickly and holding it near your face and you should replace the battery for safety sake regardless.

If you wanted to be upset with Apple over this you should be considering the initial battery size. Discharge rate is directly affected (and even calculated) by the batteries capacity. A battery with a higher capacity (size) can be safely discharged at high rates. If Apple would have made the phone slightly thicker with a high capacity battery not only would you get longer run times (duh) but the batteries overall health (wear level) wouldn't effect the discharge rate as much and thus less throttling would be implemented. This is easily demonstrated with an iPad. My iPad Air 2 shows about 15% battery wear however CPU frequency is still pegged at ~1500mhz, this would not be the case with iPhone with 15% battery wear.

I know I sound like an apologist but trust me I'm not. I hate the fact of how difficult Apple has made it to replace the battery. I could replace the battery in my iPhone 4S in 5 minutes. Newer iPhones you run a lot higher risk of breaking the screen, mostly due to water proofing that people seem to require as a feature now. However I know how batteries work and how they can fail so I replace them every year or two anyway. Even without the aid of apps and programs to tell me battery health I know if I'm using an app that literally makes the phone uncomfortable to hold I should replace the battery. Just like if my car barely turns over in cold weather I don't just wait for a dead battery to leave me stranded.
Since Tim Cook stated that you will be able to turn off the throttle if you want to. I'd like to see how many people actually do that.

Me too.

“If I’m not getting 100% CPU performance for my text messages I’d rather no phone at all!”
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Mar 22, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I don't know. Perhaps the poll results at the top of this page?

"The entire country" isn't suing Apple. LOL. Class action lawsuits are a scam, the lawyers filing these class actions are the same as those who advertise on Jerry Springer between the "my lesbian sister slept with my husband" and "you are not the father" segments.

People will use the switch once, their phones will die, and they'll turn that switch off thanking God Apple created the feature to begin with.

The fact that you can't see a poll on the header of every page of a thread you have been participating in for weeks proof you must be using an Android.

I am hiring a lawyer to make sure that this new switch is irreversible. Turn it off, you can never turn it back on again, give the whiners what they deserve- a trip to the Apple store to purchase a brand new iPhone SE at a cost of $549.

Perhaps the poll results at the top of this page?

So your proof is the opinions of forum members?

Class action lawsuits are a scam, the lawyers filing these class actions are the same as those who advertise on Jerry Springer

You have said that before. So Jerry Springer has a large audience in France? Your arguments are nonsense, but your opinions are endless.

People will use the switch once, their phones will die, and they'll turn that switch off thanking God Apple created the feature to begin with.

Your opinion again?

you must be using an Android.

Nope, Apple user since Gen 1. However; the Apple of recent years has been disappointing to me. So when I read your never-ending cheerleading for them, I cant help but disagree. It's a distraction to issues that need to be dealt with. Like I have said several times, your opinions are endless, but I would like to see what is discovered in a court of law. Then we will talk. My opinion is this whole issue was a sales tactic.

Since Tim Cook stated that you will be able to turn off the throttle if you want to. I'd like to see how many people actually do that.

The truth be told will be when we see what happens when you turn it off. My guess is battery life may suffer slightly, but certainly not enough for Apple to secretly throttle phones and then get caught. My opinion is this whole issue was a sales tactic. They can then say newer phones are much faster, and older phones need to be replaced. I think that was the strategy.
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macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
The truth be told will be when we see what happens when you turn it off. My guess is battery life may suffer slightly, but certainly not enough for Apple to secretly throttle phones and then get caught. My opinion is this whole issue was a sales tactic. The can then say newer phones are much faster, and older phones need to be replaced. I think that was the strategy.

I believe that in order to save face Apple will make sure that when people with battery health below 80% turn the toggle 'off' that their phones will die immediately. And that will force them to go to an Apple store and buy new iPhone's.

Phone Junky

macrumors 68020
Oct 29, 2011
I believe that in order to save face Apple will make sure that when people with battery health below 80% turn the toggle 'off' that their phones will die immediately. And that will...
...let them know that a new battery will get them back up to speed.

$80 battery or $800 new phone
Nice to have choices.
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macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
...let them know that a new battery will get them back up to speed.

$80 battery or $800 new phone
Nice to have choices.

The Craigslist crowd already has their $29 batteries. It's the rest of 'em that are going to get their new iPhone SE's for $549. And they'll be better off for it. There is no cheap way to be in an iPhone. It's a premium product from a premium brand.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
The Craigslist crowd already has their $29 batteries. It's the rest of 'em that are going to get their new iPhone SE's for $549. And they'll be better off for it. There is no cheap way to be in an iPhone. It's a premium product from a premium brand.
It's just another device from another company.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
Having the latest iPhone makes you one of the elite!

Exactly right, Thread Starter.

The iPhone X is the most premium product from the most prestigious brand in the smartphone arena. It's owners expect nothing but the finest, have the money, and are above the rest.

2.4 BILLION smartphones in circulation. Approximately 35 MILLION iPhone X's sold. That's 1.4%.

We are the 1%'ers.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Exactly right, Thread Starter.

The iPhone X is the most premium product from the most prestigious brand in the smartphone arena. It's owners expect nothing but the finest, have the money, and are above the rest.

2.4 BILLION smartphones in circulation. Approximately 35 MILLION iPhone X's sold. That's 1.4%.

We are the 1%'ers.
The real 1% have a hearty laugh at it all.
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macrumors 601
Feb 5, 2015
So the ever growing lawsuits, and an entire country suing Apple over the issue is just overblown hyperbole?

That is oversimplifying things a bit, but if you had to give a quick and dirty version, than: yes.

Of course, there are different interests at stake, for example, there are law firms that are getting publicity out of this, so that’s their angle.
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Jul 12, 2016
That's not what Apple wants you to believe.
Having the latest iPhone makes you one of the elite! :cool::p

I understand the hyperbole in your Post, but there is nothing 'Elite' about an iPhone. That doesn't define anyone by anything. It's a commodity and a multi-tool. There is a demographic who likely finances their iPhone X that likely can't afford it, but it certainly doesn't categorize anyone as an elite based off what iPhone they use. But Apple has a very powerful marketing scheme that influences others to want the latest device.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
I understand the hyperbole in your post, but there is nothing 'Elite' about an iPhone.

Ironically, that's just about the most elitist thing said on the subject today.

True story, I sold my iPhone 5 on Craigslist, agreed to meet a guy locally for $150 cash and who shows up but the busboy at the local restaurant who I had just seen cleaning my table the night before.

The next time you say that there is nothing "elite" about a new iPhone, let alone the iPhone X, please keep that in mind. We tend to judge things by our position in life and often forget that 75% of the people around us can barely scrape together enough cash to afford bus fare. Next time you pass by a Salvation Army, pull up in your new car, roll down the window, and shout at the top of your lungs "all of you can afford a $1,250 iPhone right?" Let me know what happens.


macrumors 604
Original poster
Sep 7, 2010
Exactly right, Thread Starter.

The iPhone X is the most premium product from the most prestigious brand in the smartphone arena. It's owners expect nothing but the finest, have the money, and are above the rest.

2.4 BILLION smartphones in circulation. Approximately 35 MILLION iPhone X's sold. That's 1.4%.

We are the 1%'ers.

Dude, it’s really not that special. Finance plans and carrier contracts (still a thing in some places) make it so that just about any middle classer can get an iPhone X if they really want one. I’m a high school teacher and one of my 9th graders has one, and this is not a kid with rich parents. The reason why more people don’t have one is because they don’t think it’s worth spending that much when whatever phone they’re already using is probably fine, not because they can’t.

I know that your net worth is in the millions, and you have a nice car, nice watch, and a beach house etc. You make a point of ensuring that everyone knows that. So I’m not sure why you’re so proud of your phone, of all things. It’s one of the only things in your signature that anyone with a decent salary or credit can buy if they want to.
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Jul 12, 2016
Ironically, that's just about the most elitist thing said on the subject today.

True story, I sold my iPhone 5 on Craigslist, agreed to meet a guy locally for $150 cash and who shows up but the busboy at the local restaurant who I had just seen cleaning my table the night before.

The next time you say that there is nothing "elite" about a new iPhone, let alone the iPhone X, please keep that in mind. We tend to judge things by our position in life and often forget that 75% of the people around us can barely scrape together enough cash to afford bus fare. Next time you pass by a Salvation Army, pull up in your new car, roll down the window, and shout at the top of your lungs "all of you can afford a $1,250 iPhone right?" Let me know what happens.

I respect your view points, but to me, my iPhone doesn't define anyone based on what they choose to use for a smartphone in their overall wealth. I don't care how expensive a phone is or how much money someone makes, it does not define anyone based on their status in society. Apple in general, does carry a status, but by no means, am I going to be able to perceive somebody based on which iPhone they are using and how they fit into society because of a smart phone that may or may not be able afford. That doesn't hold any value with me.

Anyone can finance an iPhone and not be able to afford it, but is that supposed to determine their wealth in or stand point in society? Absolutely not.
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