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Mikael H

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 3, 2014
Just some thoughts I had when I read some of the more negative comments on the :apple:WATCH

The :apple:WATCH is a niche product. Not only that, but it's a first-gen niche product.
A Macbook Air is sexy as hell. But it won't do what I need it to do at work. So I don't have one.
The first generation was, to be honest, underpowered. But that's OK for someone who needs something sleek while not doing much heavier stuff than creating and showing spreadsheets and presentations, which was the intended target audience for the product.

The Mac Pro is sexy as hell. But I can't justify the expense (or the expense of a similarly specced workstation from any other brand) based on what I do. So I don't have one.
But for the intended target audience, it's a great tool which not only gets the job done, but looks stunning while doing so.

Now, based on the known data we have on the :apple:WATCH, does an intended target audience crystalize?
- It's aiming to look trendy rather than going for the classical look.
- For reasons of current physical limitations, it will likely have a one-day battery time.
- It's sturdy but obviously not bulletproof.

OK, so based on that, it probably won't be used by deployed soldiers. Or in Ironman events. If your hobby involves spending time away from civilization, this is probably not the tool you should buy.

But if you find $350 to be an acceptable amount to pay for a (somewhat helpful) fashion accessory, if the active part of your daily routine begins and ends at a place with reliable power outlets, and if you're not the kind of person who regularly wears out the knees of your pants (at least not in activities of non-sexual nature), this might actually be a product targeted at you.

For me? As I wrote in another thread: I like the idea, but I still don't really know what I would do with this product. I'll wait for a generation or two and see, both how it gets used by others, and if Apple releases a model that's sturdy enough for serious sports use. If I like how it evolves, I might go for an Apple product rather than for a Traser or Seiko the next time I'm looking for a watch in this price level.
Or I might just get one of each. :D


macrumors G5
Nov 7, 2007
New Sanfrakota
For me? As I wrote in another thread: I like the idea, but I still don't really know what I would do with this product.

:apple: Pay, checking texts/email, navigating Maps, etc. all without taking the iPhone out of your pocket. I suppose if you don't get the concept of a smartwatch, you don't get it.


macrumors 68040
Jul 13, 2008
I feel you, so to speak.

But there are TONS of super capable sports computers that sit on your wrist right now. I'm all for multi-use devices, like laptops and desktops and even phones/phablets/tablets, but as the need for tradeoffs increases I dump that for core functionality. Like a watch/nav device for sailing, or climbing, or whatever.

Would Apple ever sacrifice it's design aesthetic for a wrist device as good and as hardened as something from Garmin, Suunto, etc? I counted 35 GPS enabled watches at REI alone, from <$100 to >$500. Sheesh, you can swim with an Ambit3, get call notifications from your phone, log all kinds of data, find your position, etc now. No touchscreen, but that's not gonna fly in a hardcore sports watch anyway.

Apple never built outdoor friendly kit of any kind, so I doubt they'll do it for you with watches.

Mikael H

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 3, 2014
Apple never built outdoor friendly kit of any kind, so I doubt they'll do it for you with watches.

Well, that's true - on the other hand, if you look at using their stuff within reasonable limits, my two recent MacBook Pros have held up way better than the IBM (and later Lenovo) T-series that I've owned over the years, and those were known for their sturdiness.
So far, the people designing and building my Apple gear haven't let me down.


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2009
You raise good points, but you're missing one huge and absolutely crucial thing; the success of the Apple Watch is totally, 100% dependant on broad approval and integration. Today, we use our tech for a lot of social interaction, and the Apple Watch introduces an interesting new way to do that. But it can only do it between Apple Watches.

It introduces a new way to pay - but it will not be in the majority of shops (which is an absolute must - if small and medium sized shop owners are going to even consider investing in new payment equipment and subscriptions (those are darn expensive) there needs to be a lot of demand from the customers).

The Apple Watch is reliant on big sales, or it will simply be a "works with 5% of your friends and 5% of your favourite shops"-device. And that is nowhere near the convenience required to justify this product being on your wrist. It can't be a niche product.

Now, with open standards between different manufactures of watches, this could change drastically. But does that seem at all likely? I still can't iMessage 60% of my friends which is freakishly annoying. 'm not get my hopes up that I'll be able to draw a fish or page my heartbeat to the majority of my friends any time soon.
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