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Oct 15, 2010
you're right, please inform me wise one. what is arena? its always good decks, its not random at all.

the problem is that you appear here like an expert which you are not. unfortunately people here don't know this cause they are bloody newbies.

half the stuff you say is simply incorrect. you constantly exaggerate and state your opinions in the form of facts.

i don't need to explain arena. there is a reason why some have an average of 7 wins while others can barely get 2.

i am not a fan of bragging but for the sake of this i will share that i am around 6-7. over 1600 arena wins. i got more than twice as much in ranked and i got to #166 in eu last month.

let me give some tips for arena then:

pick value cards.
while in constructed a synergistic strategic combo play works well...value is the most import thing in arena. cards that are good on their own.
you can have some very basic synergy in arena but it's usually not worth it.

check your resource curve
around 6 2-cost minions are advisable. 0 and 1 drops are usually not worth the card slot. make sure you got enough mid and high cost minions for late game. (but not too many)

pick a good class
especially mage and paladin have very versatile hero abilities.

take your time to think things through

this is very important...while drafting and playing. when u drafted your deck look at it again and study it for a few moments at least before playing with it.

play your cards

put pressure on the board instead of waiting for the right moment. your opponent must react. arena is more about value than momentum.

play smart
get a feeling wether or not your opponent is defensive or aggressive. if he is defensive then go for face and let him do the work of fighting. there is less risk of minion buff in arena.
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macrumors regular
May 3, 2014
kripp which has over 9000 arena wins doesn't always get around 7 wins... sometimes he gets 12... sometimes he gets 0... thats how arena works man

*shakes head*


macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2005
So how do the Arena decks work? Is there a deck of like 200 cards and they offer you up 90, which you get to pick 30 from? I just played as a paladin and fought another paladin. he had cards which i was not offered. So i was wondering how it worked. Or what cards you pick alter which cards you're later offered?

btw. i did terrible and lost 3 games with no wins even after reading about the mana curve. I felt my deck was pretty crappy and cards i could have really used in the battles never showed up. 2 Exploding Sheep cards in the deck and they didnt show up in any of the battles. great luck!

For ranked games, is the season ending in 5 days? I saw some message pop up. Where should i look for rank prizes? I'm at rank 19 now but probably could fight up a rank or two (or maybe fall the same amount) if the difference in prizes was worth it.


Oct 15, 2010
So how do the Arena decks work? Is there a deck of like 200 cards and they offer you up 90, which you get to pick 30 from? I just played as a paladin and fought another paladin. he had cards which i was not offered. So i was wondering how it worked. Or what cards you pick alter which cards you're later offered?

btw. i did terrible and lost 3 games with no wins even after reading about the mana curve. I felt my deck was pretty crappy and cards i could have really used in the battles never showed up. 2 Exploding Sheep cards in the deck and they didnt show up in any of the battles. great luck!

For ranked games, is the season ending in 5 days? I saw some message pop up. Where should i look for rank prizes? I'm at rank 19 now but probably could fight up a rank or two (or maybe fall the same amount) if the difference in prizes was worth it.

you should really read up on arena instead of speculating.

yes seasons end at the end of the month. there are no rank prizes except starting at a higher rank next season and the cardback from reaching rank 20. reaching legend gets u a legend cardback.


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I've participated in it over the last month and it's like playing poker except accept certain players have aces up their sleeves and you don't have any aces unless you put a lot of effort into the game to acquire those aces. In the mean time you have to hope you run into players who have equal cards as you. Although I acknowledge that there is skill involved, frequently/mostly it's about who has the best cards they have purchased or earned through crafting. And finding you a "worthy opponent" to play means nothing as far as an equation of card pool equality.
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