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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 6, 2010
So I was forced to upgrade from Snow Leopard due to a hard drive crash combined with all the 'no longer supported junk'.

In exchange I have received a calendar that I can no longer use, because it sends ALL the funny calendar day stuff that was just for fun to notifications, leading to a massive slow down of the computer. If I disable them I get NO alerts for the stuff I had actually set up to alert me. The important stuff like 'take your meds' is disabled too. :mad: All info in calendar was never meant to be of equal importance. But nothing I do resurrects the 'alert me ONLY on stuff I had set to alert me. The shared funny calendar from google is being forced to notify me every single day!

Is there any way to fix this nightmare replacement? Would the old ical work if I yanked it from Time Machine? I did that with the old quicktime 7, but will it work with calendar? :(


macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 6, 2010
:(Thanks for the info. Before it had ICal. So basically I literally have reached the point where mac decides to upgrade my calendar to uselessness. I'm stuck relying on a cheap Android for a calendar. Why have options to set notifications if they won't let the ones you asked to be alerted too work while disabling the ones you didn't. If I find a place to leave Feedback, Apple is about to get blasted. Honestly they really are trying to lose a customer. I get mac for longevity and because it works for me. Now longevity gets blasted because they want to sell new hardware and I lose features for stuff I don't want.

Not cool Apple.


macrumors 6502a
:(Thanks for the info. Before it had iCal. So basically, I literally have reached the point where my Mac decides to upgrade my calendar to uselessness. I'm stuck relying on a cheap Android for a calendar. Why have options to set notifications if they won't let the ones you asked to be alerted to work, while disabling the ones you didn't? If I find a place to leave feedback, Apple is about to get blasted. Honestly, they are really trying to lose a customer. I get a Mac for longevity and because it works for me. Now longevity gets blasted because they want to sell new hardware and I lose features for stuff I don't want.

Not cool Apple.
Hey, I'm right there with you. I would've loved if they had kept releasing under-the-hood efficiency improvements and only added headline features once every few years. Then each major version would "last longer" and there would be less opportunity to break things. If you want to leave feedback, you can do so at, although even if they implement suggestions or fixes, you're usually looking at years and several versions away from now. It is worth noting that filing a developer bug report at can sometimes lead to a dialogue with engineering about the problem, and thus, a more timely fix.


macrumors regular
Aug 16, 2010
......ALL the funny calendar day stuff that was just for fun to notifications, leading to a massive slow down of the computer. If I disable them I get NO alerts for the stuff I had actually set up to alert me. The important stuff like 'take your meds' is disabled too. :mad: All info in calendar was never meant to be of equal importance. But nothing I do resurrects the 'alert me ONLY on stuff I had set to alert me. The shared funny calendar from google is being forced to notify me every single day!

Is there any way to fix this nightmare replacement?

if you right click on any calendar entry - you have the option ( under alerts ) of turning off notifications for that particular item showing on the desktop. It will still show up in the notifications pane, but won't pop up a notification on your screen. Also check ical prefs - under the Alert tab - to see how you are set up there.
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