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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 26, 2010
Aloha Macrumours,
After a random google search for "jailbreak 4.2.1 untethered" i found the untethered version has been released.
My iPod touch (4th gen) is now jailbroken on 4.2.1 using Redsn0w, but tethered,
my question is, is there possibly any way to transfer the jailbreak, or rejailbreak, from tethered to untethered,
but heres the catch, without losing all my jailbreak information...
is there a way to do that?

thanks for any insight/advice,



macrumors member
Jan 12, 2011
Lafayette, IN
All you have to do is just install greenpois0n how it normally says. Jailbreaking over another jailbreak does not remove anything except for the Cydia app itself, but not its data. It then re-installs Cydia. In other words, just do exactly what greenpois0n says, no need to change anything. You should keep all your data and stuff.

Just plug it in, turn it off, open greenpois0n, Click "Prepare to jailbreak (DFU)", put the iPod into DFU mode (which is the button that greenpois0n makes you do), then click "Jailbreak!", then wait. Easy as that. No changes need to be made to the redsn0w jailbreak.
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