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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 3, 2020
EDIT: I reverted back to an older version of the project and it now works but, I would still love to find out why the below happened

UPDATED EDIT: Well. after saving the project again (after reverting to a version that worked as I wrote it), I closed Logic and went to the store. Upon returning home, I once again opened Logic and, you guessed it, the entire project was playing all the wrong sounds -- I then reverted to an old version and it worked again -- what is going on here?

So I wrote this piece yesterday, saved it, bounced it as an mp3 and, today, when I opened the project in Logic, all the sounds had changed, the project was clipping and had "pops"

I am at a loss - what could have happened overnight? Did someone break into my place and change something? This makes no sense to me

I have restarted the iMac in recovery mode, repaired all permissions and still no fix

Here is the bounced mp3 from last night:
Here is a screen recording I just made of Logic playing the track:

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macrumors newbie
Jun 6, 2016
If you are using Logic 10.5, update NOW to 10.5.1. If you are keeping your Logic files in any kind of synced folder (dropbox, seafile...), sync and put them in a non synced folder. The mac package format is seen by many sync services as a simple folder, if the contents are not fully synced when you open the file you’ll get this strange behaviour (don’t resave).
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