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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2005
Wilkes-Barre PA
I decided to rewrite this post under hardware after no responces and more problems. I shut my PB lid after coming out of a WiFi caffe and when I brought the lid back up, it stayed in sleep mode. No response from the keyboard mouse OR powerbutton. I was forced to remove the battery and press the powerbutton
(which responded). After rebooting, I went to use it normally, only to find that about 10 seconds after my desktop was loading, my CPU would hit 100% and I would revert to sleep mode. Frustrated, I decided to start back in safe mode, which worked. I fixed the clock and repaired permissions and rebooted just to make sure. Everything worked. I shut it down and tried the next day; nothing! Again, tried safe mode which only entered sleep mode again. I tried to reset the PMU and PRAM, only the PRAM worked - one time. I shut the lid and opened it to make sure it responded; it did. I shut it off and brought it back to college (after winter break) and started it back up; nadda. I now tried safe mode, PMU and PRAM reset, none of which worked. I have no idea what the problem can be, hardware or software. My last two options are reinstalling Tiger or sending it in, but since it's a recently bought machine, I'm reluctant to give up this soon. Any help would be appreciated. Battery problem? Airport conflict? (seems to happen around WiFi spots - just a theory) Or something like a logic board error? Please help!


mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Could it possibly have overheated? If you have third party RAM, then try taking it out. Give fsck a go too, if it manages to stay awake. :)

I really hope this isn't a logic board failure.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2005
Wilkes-Barre PA
No third party RAM installed, just the standard gig from Apple (1 stick, not two 512s).

I reset the PRAM again, and finally after 5-6 attempts, it worked. I'm not going to shutdown/restart until I'm sure what the problem is. :p


mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
The PRAM reset really should have worked the first time, it's where the Energy Saver (sleep) settings are kept. Hopefully it's all good now. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2005
At the Airport. UK
judging by your specs i would have thought the powerbook was less han a year old.....try calling apple tech support.....i knw that sometimes they can be boring, repetitive and unhelpful but you must persist!

let us know how you get on.


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
Vash said:
Argh, reset and sleep mode again. Anyone, suggestions?

did you reset the power management unit (PMU)? it says somewhere on the apple support page how to do it for the different macs. some people (including me) said it solved various problems with sleep, fans coming on. i don't know why though.
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