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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 22, 2023
Hi guys, I need help choosing a configuration for my new Mac M3 Pro. I'm thinking about getting the M3 Pro 16" base model (18/512), but I'm wondering if that will be enough to support my work and college assignments for the next 5 years or so.
Do you think I should upgrade to 36/1TB


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 22, 2023
Well I have the budget for both versions but if I don't need extra memory I want to save some money.

2. Computer Science

Question 2:
Would maybe a 36/512 be a good choice?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2023
Go with 18 in my opinion. Nothing you're going to do in college will stress 18 gig. I use 16 gig with multiple apps open including Photoshop, Lightroom, Outlook, Excel, Word and some other apps. I even run a virtual machine in that environment with no issues.

But it is your money, do as you wish. If you don't opinions on here, then don't ask. You will get many different, and conflicting opinions, mine included.


macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
What applications are you going to be running?
I think this is a key question. I'm doing great with 16GB myself, but I have no idea what kind of resources are needed to run the apps a CS major might use. I say err on the side of over-spec'ing it, versus being in a position a few years down the road where some new use case arises that will suffer with 18 GB of RAM.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2014
Pacific Northwest, U.S.
... I say err on the side of over-spec'ing it, versus being in a position a few years down the road where some new use case arises that will suffer with 18 GB of RAM.
My feeling exactly.

Can you afford the higher spec computer? If so then I am an advocate of getting as much as you can reasonably afford (and use), in the interest of having a computer that will last you for the longest possible time and meet your needs even beyond what you may anticipate today.

I'm saying this having just taken delivery of a new Mac Studio with 64GB memory and 2TB storage! I do not need such a powerful computer today, but this replaces a 9 year old iMac and I expect to be using this computer for at least as long.
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macrumors member
Nov 17, 2018
Santiago, Chile
18 GB RAM plus 1 TB SSD should be fine for starters.

Use the rest of the money for an iPad Air or Pro M1. You probably will need it more than the extra RAM in this point.
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