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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2005

I am currently using a Powerbook G4 12" 867mhz and am wanting to upgrade it to a MacBook Pro 15".

I have seen a friend of mine upgrade his powerbook by connecting the two machines together (by firewire i think) and all his documents, iphoto, itunes, etc is exactly copied onto his new system. Ideally this is what i would like to do.

Unfortunately i have a buyer for my powerbook and need to sell it ASAP and won't have the money for a Mac Book Pro till the end of summer.

As well as my Powerbook, i have an iMac 17" which has about 6 different profiles for everyone who uses it.

Is there a way where i can have a copy of certain things on my iMac profile from my Powerbook - things such as itunes, iphoto, address book, mail, etc.

Then when i buy my MacBook Pro i can copy this off my iMac, hence the my Mac Book Pro 15" will be a copy of my Powerbook 12"

Apologies for being so confusing, i have just re-read my post and it is a tad confusing.

Any suggestions much appreciated! Thanks

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Connecting two Macs with a firewire cable and booting into one whilst the other is used as an external drive is called Target Disk Mode. Your friend would have done this in conjunction with Migration Assistant in the Utilities folder. This app has its foibles and whilst I'd have no qualms with transferring photo libraries, music libraries and general documents, I'd manually reinstall all apps, especially as you'll be going from PPC to Intel.

So, I'd use Target Disk Mode to get your data onto the iMac and then again to move it onto the new MacBook Pro, once it arrives. Getting it onto the iMac will be good practice. Have fun. :)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2005
hi, thanks very much for your help.

Just a few more queries. On the iMac that i am using as my target computer, i am one of several profiles. Will i be able to select my profile to copy files over.

Also, i'm on really interested in copying my mail, iphoto, itunes, address book and calendar. Is it possible just to select these options?

Thanks again

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Migration Assistant is quite customisable with what it transfers over. From memory, it's relatively easy to select different components from a single profile, if desired. :)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 11, 2005
Regarding the target disk mode concept...i'm a bit dubious about this as i have not done it before.

can i select like Mail, iphoto, itunes as an option and from my Powerbook and have this migrate over to the iMac so that when i open up Mail on the iMac it will appear exactly the same as it was on my Powerbook.

thanks in advance
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