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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2013
First time poster - with a very technical issue - after looking through the forums - thought the developers might be the best place to post.

Somehow, while deleting a log in item, I inadvertently disabled the System Integrity Protection on my MacBook Pro running MacOS 11.2.3. Discovered it when my Apple Pay on the computer was disabled and I could not re-add the cards.

I have followed the instructions here:

But it does not work. Each time, I get the Terminal enable messages but after I reboot, the SIP is shown as being back to disabled.

r/MacOS - Accidentally disabled SIP - Can't seem to enable it
Anyone have any ideas?



macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
First time poster - with a very technical issue - after looking through the forums - thought the developers might be the best place to post.

Somehow, while deleting a log in item, I inadvertently disabled the System Integrity Protection on my MacBook Pro running MacOS 11.2.3. Discovered it when my Apple Pay on the computer was disabled and I could not re-add the cards.

I have followed the instructions here:

But it does not work. Each time, I get the Terminal enable messages but after I reboot, the SIP is shown as being back to disabled.

r/MacOS - Accidentally disabled SIP - Can't seem to enable it't seem to enable it
Anyone have any ideas?


Just to double confirm, go back to recovery to re-enable, then type in

$ csrutil status

before you reboot. It should come back with:

System Integrity Protection status: enabled.

Then reboot and try the same status command in a terminal and report back here with the results.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2013
Nothing different Says "enabled" when I do it but after restart it goes back to disabled.

You had a $ in front of the command - when Apple had me do this - no $ - just csrutil enable. Does that make a difference?

Thanks for the help.

IMG_0320 2.jpeg


macrumors newbie
Jul 24, 2021
I need to re-enable SIP but I miss - for some reason like High Sierra on unsupported mac 8.1 etc - a functional Recovery partition to boot off from. Does anyone know another method as the one described here ?

Enjoy your WE, Phil
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