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The Mouse Info

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 10, 2005
Hi there,

First Time Poster, Longtime reader. Recently I was handed some various audio files from an Alcorn McBride Digital Binloop Professional Audio/Visual Reproducer and Player. Link

Each of the files is contained in a .AMS file format. I can assure you they are indeed audio files not video. My question is, what software can I use on my macintosh to convert/play these files? I know of a few people who have had success with PC's in opening these files and playing/converting them, but really need to know if there are ways to working with this format on my Mac for buisness purposes. Can anyone help or explain anything they know?


macrumors 65816
Jan 25, 2005
I get this sort of problem a lot at work - someone brings in proprietary formats and wants to know how to convert. What I usually do is start by scouring their website for programs to convert, if that fails I start googling the product name and "+mac +os", then if that fails it usually boils down either phoning or emailing their tech support see if they offer anything.

I used to use a program called Adobe Audition to convert things, but as they havent released a Mac version I cant recommend that. Also if the format isnt standard - i.e compressed, then this method usually doesnt work.

So I think the best bet would be to give the company a call to see what they say. Sorry I cant be more help than that.


macrumors G5
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