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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Original poster
A friend recently passed away and I have her Time Capsule (not sure which version it is, but she bought it in December, 2009). Her computer has already gone to someone else who has put in an SSD and additional RAM, giving me the old hard drive, for which I have an external enclosure. I need to do something with the Time Capsule/Time Machine and the data that is on the Time Capsule hard drive. I've never used Time Machine or Time Capsule with my own Macs so this is new territory for me. What I need to know is: can I simply plug in an ethernet cable from the Time Capsule to my Mac Mini and then erase the data in Disk Utility that way? I've tried plugging in one but the TC is not mounting, from what I can see. I thought maybe if I used the USB port on the TC and on my Mac Mini that might work but my USB cables all have one smaller size end and one larger sized end so I don't think that will work.

Do I need to perhaps reboot and then go into Target Disk Mode with using the ethernet connection? I feel as though I'm fumbling in the dark with this and nothing that I searched was really helpful. Anything anyone here can suggest or explain would be gratefully accepted!!!!
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Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
A friend recently passed away and I have her Time Capsule (not sure which version it is, but she bought it in December, 2009). Her computer has already gone to someone else who has put in an SSD and additional RAM, giving me the old hard drive, for which I have an external enclosure. I need to do something with the Time Capsule/Time Machine and the data that is on the Time Capsule hard drive. I've never used Time Machine or Time Capsule with my own Macs so this is new territory for me. What I need to know is: can I simply plug in an ethernet cable from the Time Capsule to my Mac Mini and then erase the data in Disk Utility that way? I've tried plugging in one but the TC is not mounting, from what I can see. I thought maybe if I used the USB port on the TC and on my Mac Mini that might work but my USB cables all have one smaller size end and one larger sized end so I don't think that will work.

Do I need to perhaps reboot and then go into Target Disk Mode with using the ethernet connection? I feel as though I'm fumbling in the dark with this and nothing that I searched was really helpful. Anything anyone here can suggest or explain would be gratefully accepted!!!!

Just so I am clear... all you want to do is erase the drive in the TC so you can use it?

Do a full reset of the Time Capsule following this. Then you can access the TC either over wifi or ethernet using Airport Utility (from your /Applications/Utilities folder) to erase the disk from this screen.

Now configure the disk and wifi for yourself with your own network name and password and you should be all set.

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