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Are your apps crashing?

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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2012
Los Angeles
Well let's see. I have finally finished redownloading every bit of media, resetting up Apple Watch, installing every app, downloading every song, every photo and setting up every Apple Pay card. It took me from 0930-2345 yesterday and I was doing it constantly. If it doesn't work, I'm gonna just cry now. Phone has been off charge since 5am and is now at 94% at 8am with a good 60 mins of streaming music over Apple Music to my Bluetooth headphones. I have a few crash logs including that Jetsam thing but not as many as before. This may be because the phone has only been running for 24 hours. We'll see. Keep everything crossed and I'll keep you updated.

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
Any luck? You haven't posted an update so I'm guessing you are enjoying your phone again.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2012
Los Angeles
Any luck? You haven't posted an update so I'm guessing you are enjoying your phone again.

Hey there,

Sorry for the delay. I haven't been deliberately not posting... I was just giving it a few days.

So, the answer is - I don't actually know.
I spent that long obsessing over it, and looking at it all, that I can't quite tell now. I think it's a bit better, but not what it was before.

What I did do was a full DFU setup as new. It was basically a scorched earth approach. It took me ages to set it back up. iCloud Music Library and iCloud Photo Library are great when they work. But when they don't, and you're trying to set everything up, it's a complete nightmare.

I've just been getting along with it. Don't get me wrong, the battery wasn't so bad that it was crippling me, it was just annoying me that it wasn't getting anywhere near as good life as before.. And I'm still not, but it's not enough to make me go mad. I'm still getting those damn crash logs too.

The annoying thing was I spent soooo much time talking to Apple and telling them what the problem was. It was escalated to a senior advisor who then called me back three days later and said 'try a restore as new'.
I was like:

"A. Have you not read the notes? I have already set it up as brand new TWICE and
B. You've taken three days to basically give me the equivalent of IT saying 'turn it off and back on again.'"

He then said 'try installing each app one at a time and leaving it a week before you install the next one'.

At that point, I just said 'you know what, I give up. By the time I have managed to load all of my apps back on that way, I'll have an iPhone 7. Life's too short'.

God knows what's going on - I suspect it was something software related to iOS 9.3.1 and beyond because the problems weren't there before. But hey, life's too short for all of this.

Thanks though for all of your help. I really do appreciate it!
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