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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hi! I’m an IT guy running the single Mac system in a network of 8000 Windows machines. Currently my office has my MacBook Pro (with a Wacom interactive display beside it as the second monitor, which is too dim to use regularly), which I use for 90% of my work, but I also have a number of Windows machines in my office to connect to various servers and mimic and test our deployed machines.

I find I spend most of my time staring at the (relatively small) MacBook Pro 15” display, however, and with the number of hours I’m working on that system, I’ve been debating either replacing it with an iMac, or, what I think is a better solution, replacing a number of monitors in my office with one high-end widescreen display. Optimally, I would love a display that could serve as a super-wide monitor for my MacBook Pro (potentially a KVM setup with an additional keyboard and mouse so the MacBook Pro stays in a closed clamshell configuration when in the office), but would also like additional inputs on that monitor so that, when required, I could switch to viewing the Mac video output on one side of the display, and a Windows PC output on the other. Being able to go back and forth swapping input to input would be absolutely fabulous.

Thunderbolt 3 would be preferable for at least the Mac connection, and it’s a big desk available (and this would ultimately save lots of space), so a large size isn’t a problem. I don’t care about audio from the monitor, but solid brightness and monitor quality are important. Both Mac and PC have Thunderbolt or USB-C outputs.

Any favorite recommendations / configurations? I’ve been doing a bit of research but nothing beats asking those who deal with this day in and day out, and when I talk to my technical guys in the department, they pretty much shut down when I mention I refuse to give up my Mac (I’m the boss, though, so they can’t complain too loudly). I understand this could be a bit pricey, but given the amount of time I spend in front of these systems, I’d rather stretch and get something nice than wish I had a couple years later.

Thank you for your advice / recommendations!
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