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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2014
I did clean install, and today I put Filevault on, moved all files to Mac from my backup disk. Everything running smoothly, until now I noticed some issues :( In Finder documents, downloads etc. there were only empty folders, no files anymore and some blank program thumbnails. Reboot fixed the issues, but the issues game back after running disk utility fixing rights (I'm not sure is this was the reason what launch to issues).

Now, I'm very concerned is my Mac to safe to use anymore what I should do…? damn! *dislike :mad:


I tested. It seems that running the disk utility and repair process will disabling my data. Reboot will "fix" the issue. Something is very wrong… :(
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2014
Should I re-install HS or just wait fixing update? I’m very concerning atm is my data, documents, photos, movie files etc corrupted. Its not fun that files disappearing and comin back. Have my MAC secured, safe to use. Oh! My head :confused:


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 9, 2014
Well, its seems that disabling Filevault fixed the issue! So, obviously FV its not working well atm. I noticed I have one old secured folder on my Mac - not sure was this the reason what caused issues…

Would be great to hear has anyone else similar issues, and whats your opinion could old disk utility secured folder caused something like this?!
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