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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 7, 2008
If you want to save some money then i have a really nice home made ipad typing angle stand.

Just some non-slip rubber sheeting (already had but can get for £2 off ebay) - cut to width and enough length to roll up to the perfect typing angle when placed under the iPad (with two rubber bands double wrapped on each side). Its super light & naturally non slip so the ipad doesnt slide off, and is perfectly stable.

Make two and put one in your bag for travel and one for home use.

I also have a (secondhand half-price but as new) Switcheasy Nude on my mine that protects the back. And it came with two stands.


I think most iPad accessories are way over priced ..... i might buy a generic £3 black with red trim neoprene sleeve off ebay from kong kong to complete my iPad accessory needs. :D
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