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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 14, 2014
Milford, NH
I know the game doesn't have a Mac client yet, but I was wondering anyone's playing Wildstar.

How's it so far?

It's the only MMO I can think of that I'm really excited for and I may bootcamp just to play it. :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Jun 20, 2012
I know the game doesn't have a Mac client yet, but I was wondering anyone's playing Wildstar.

How's it so far?

It's the only MMO I can think of that I'm really excited for and I may bootcamp just to play it. :rolleyes:

It's pretty good but Carbine needs to do something about the quickly emptying servers, bugs and the class balance. Not only that but the PVP portion of this game manage to get old pretty quick. World pvp is pretty much you vs some guy who didn't want to wpvp in the first place so all he does is try to run or just sit there and not fight back. While the battlegrounds are the same 2 maps that is cramp and reward spamming and less skilled play. Once Carbine fixes these things I might go back, but for now I let my subscription slip.

Sadly I don't have a guest pass since the two I gave out to my friends seem to have gotten wasted with them playing for 30 mins and telling me that they don't like it.


macrumors regular
Jul 12, 2013
While I'm only level 20, I'm really enjoying the game. It's definitely worth a look in.

What I don't like is how poorly it runs on my system (late 2013 15" rMBP w/750m). I get anything ranging from 8-30 fps (average is about 18fps) with everything on low (and things like shadows off). I know I don't have a gaming powerhouse but with everything on low it shouldn't really drop below 30fps.

It's so poorly optimised at the moment, it's pot luck as to whether it will run well. Some brand new high spec desktops are struggling with keeping 30fps, some old school c2d (with equally as old GPUs) are getting 60fps on ultra.
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