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Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
cubist said:
Actually, to get back to the original question, the F.A.Q. does not say how to add an avatar.
The FAQ clearly states that you need 500 posts to be able to use an avatar, if you then can't figure out how to add one, you don't deserve one because you are obviously far to stupid!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2003
New Jersey USA
Wow. A bit harsh.
Someone could easily contribute much time and thoughtful insight to these boards and not be familiar with the userCP interface and options for an Avatar.
Maybe people could be a tad nicer to newbies that are not PC trolls and expand the community a touch.
Plenty of computer literate folks can post and help out with opinions or help and never had the experience to create or ad an avatar to a name on a message board like this.

Since I am on the old soapbox, I will point out that one of the fastest way to kill an online community is to have an elite group of old timers that pick on the newbies or make them feel not welcome. I used to work as a paid moderator for AOl before the "www' and I saw this happen all the time on the old boards there. Sometimes people come to because they are new and learning and could use some friendly chats and advice.

Lastly, its just not polite to call someone stupid.

edesignuk said:
The FAQ clearly states that you need 500 posts to be able to use an avatar, if you then can't figure out how to add one, you don't deserve one because you are obviously far to stupid!


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
This question is answered in the FAQ which is a Sticky. If someone can't be asked to read it then I'm not gonna tip-toe around them to answer their question. I answered their question fair and square.

No one "targets" newbies round here, and I am quite happy to help anyone. I just see no need to be sensitive about EVERYTHING, and tip-toe around (what I think are) stupid newb questions.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 17, 2003
New Jersey USA
In reality, some people are not familiar with Sticky posts or FAQ's. Should they be, sure, but not always. Imagine a new Mac User, they boot up their brand new iMac and find their way to and ask a question for help. THen they get slammed. Not so nice.
Just because you have more extensive experience and familiarity with the boards is no excuse for rudeness or being curt with newbies. The newbies of today are the life blood of tommorrow.

Your should encourage questions and exploration, not dissuade it. Even the term newbie is derogatory.

In this case, it could have been said that "MacRumors has a FAQ that has the answer to this and many other questions. In the case of an Avatar, you need at least 500 posts in order to get one." Real simple, and you can provide a link to the FAQ.

Also, the FAQ here is pretty sparse and does not really cover much in detail. As a FAWQ goes, its poorly written, so someone may have to ask further details.

For example- they HAVE 500 posts. They need to know how to get an Avatar. It says nothing of the requirements of size, dimensions, etc. in the FAQ. Not very helpful.

Make this a friendly community, not a community of elitist Mac snobs.

edesignuk said:
This question is answered in the FAQ which is a Sticky. If someone can't be asked to read it then I'm not gonna tip-toe around them to answer their question. I answered their question fair and square.

No one "targets" newbies round here, and I am quite happy to help anyone. I just see no need to be sensitive about EVERYTHING, and tip-toe around (what I think are) stupid newb questions.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
seamuskrat, I can't even be bothered to respond to all that. Other than to say there was nothing wrong with the way I responded to this question, and you should lighten up. Telling someone to check the FAQ hardly makes us a group of "Mac snobs", which I for one defiantly am not.


Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Ok, play nice, ok. So to some its an obvious question - but edesignuk, you need to relax here and stop trying to be Alphatech.

The answer: Once you achieve 500 posts, you can add and change your avatar under the UserCP section (the link is in the menu bar above - select the avatar section).

See that wasn't so hard and I didn't insult anybody or come across as a complete wanker.

Thanks and have a nice Day! :D



Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Can anybody tell me exactly what was wrong with my original response to the question?
edesignuk said:
You read the , and come back when you have 500 posts.
I suppose if it had read like this no one would have said a word.
edesignuk said:
You read the FAQ, and come back when you have 500 posts.
I'm not "trying to be Alphatech", but I don't see why people who comments aren't even aimed at have to take offense at nothing and start an argument over nothing.

This thread was dead before seamuskrat decided to dig it up and stick his/her oar in, don't blame me for talking back.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
But after a while, you don't have to keep pushing it. Be nice and help out - not everyone, and this isn't aimed at anyone in particular, knows where to look or find things immediately. Sometimes pointing something out that's obvious to you is all it takes.

Witty icons and funny gifs are great, but don't use them at the expense of others, especially individuals that you haven't interacted with. It gives the wrong impression sometimes.



Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Mr. Anderson said:
But after a while, you don't have to keep pushing it.
I'm pushing it? I answered the question and was not rude, it was short and to the point, that is all.
Be nice and help out
I help people out, not matter new or old all the time, I did in this thread more than once, explaining how demis/tars work etc.
- not everyone, and this isn't aimed at anyone in particular, knows where to look or find things immediately. Sometimes pointing something out that's obvious to you is all it takes.
Being a mod I'd have expected you to be the first to tell people to read the FAQ :confused:
Witty icons and funny gifs are great, but don't use them at the expense of others, especially individuals that you haven't interacted with. It gives the wrong impression sometimes.
I suppose "at the expense of others" may be a matter of opinion in this case. Personally I was not trying to insult anyone, and I don't think I did, other than seamuskrat it would seem :rolleyes:.


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
edesignuk said:
I'm pushing it? I answered the question and was not rude, it was short and to the point, that is all.

For the most part your posts (and images) are informative and/or entertaining, but telling someone that they are "obviously far too stupid" is generally inappropriate in this or any other forum.

If someone has not reached the point of 500 posts, then they would have no view of the interface that allows them to add an avatar. But they may want to prepare by knowing appropriate sizes, etc.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
emw said:
For the most part your posts (and images) are informative and/or entertaining, but telling someone that they are "obviously far too stupid" is generally inappropriate in this or any other forum.
You might notice we only even got to that point in this thread because of seamuskrat's week late objections on a thread which had already been answered and dealt with. I also didn't directly call anybody specifically stupid, it was a generalized reply.

...I'm so glad we keep going over this...:rolleyes:

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
edesignuk said:
I'm pushing it? I answered the question and was not rude, it was short and to the point, that is all.

Look, relax, and maybe you should read the FAQ and see that it does not tell you *how* to add an avatar. Sure, it says you need 500 posts, but that's it.

This will be fixed shortly, so when in the future you direct someone to the FAQ the answers might actually be there. And I agree with seamuskrat that your approach here has been less than stellar, calling someone stupid for not knowing how to do something is a personal attack, plain and simple. Lets just move on and put it all behind us, ok?



Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Mr. Anderson said:
Lets just move on and put it all behind us, ok?


I think people will keep coming around and dragging this thread back up to the top until it's closed, just because edesignuk makes such a good target. ;)


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Mr. Anderson said:
calling someone stupid for not knowing how to do something is a personal attack, plain and simple. Lets just move on and put it all behind us, ok?
As I just said in my last post i didn't directly respond to anyone and say they are stupid. And again, we wouldn't even be at this point if someone hadn't decided to pull this up and find a problem with it.

But yeah, whatever, I've had enough as well...


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Sun Baked said:
I think people will keep coming around and dragging this thread back up to the top until it's closed, just because edesignuk makes such a good target. ;)
heh, no kidding, do you think it's this "1,000,000 Poster" title or something? sheesh....


macrumors G4
Aug 24, 2003
emw said:
For the most part your posts (and images) are informative and/or entertaining, but telling someone that they are "obviously far too stupid" is generally inappropriate in this or any other forum.

If someone has not reached the point of 500 posts, then they would have no view of the interface that allows them to add an avatar. But they may want to prepare by knowing appropriate sizes, etc.

look learning that you need 500 posts is not that hard and if you want to know that bad and it dosent take a genius to work out that it wil let you add one once you get there, it's the fault of the original poster for not reading the faq non faq readers are annoying and to lazy to bother to read it.

there's all m pent up anger on neewbs posting questions that are qwnsered in the faq.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
We will finish this discussion here and we can come back to it when there are some more issues with the reworked F.A.Q.

Thanks for making it obvious that it needed some work. :D

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