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macrumors 601
Original poster
Nov 11, 2020
Mexico City living in Berlin
Let's say I already posted my comment but I would like to add a quote after the post has already been published. I cannot find a way to add a quote and comment to it within the same comment i previously posted (to avoid a double post)? It only pastes the text itself but not as a quote.

It used to work. I am sure of it.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The easiest method is to copy the text that you want, edit your post, type
 [QUOTE]  paste the contents of the quote and close it with [/quote]


Staff member
Feb 21, 2012
New Jersey Pine Barrens
This is what I do.... Click the reply button on the post that you want to quote. That will open the editor with the entire message quoted. I then click the [ ] button to edit the quote as plain text, which makes easier to trim it down and copy.

Now just edit your own post and paste the quote into it. Caveat: I can do this because I'm a moderator. I'm not sure if regular members can edit their own posts, there might be a time limit or you might need to be a contributor for that?


tobefirst ⚽️

macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2005
St. Louis, MO
If you want the original person to be notified, your best bet is an entirely new post. If I recall correctly, editing a post and adding a quote or a mention does not notify the person. At least, I think that's what was figured out recently.
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