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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 24, 2014
I’ve got 10 thousand pictures to rename.

They are titled like this now: "46gibberish, 47gibberish, 48gibberish...".

How do I batch-rename the files into something like this: "D2018.1, D2018.2, D2018.3..."?

Am I right that this way they will still open in chronological order?

Also, it would be great to automatically sort them into a hundred folders.

I’m not going to purchase any applications for this task.

So far, I've googled only the following means:

It’s when original "46gibberish, 47gibberish, 48gibberish..."


"46gibberish.1, 47gibberish.2, 48gibberish.3...".


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2003
I’ve got 10 thousand pictures to rename.

They are titled like this now: "46gibberish, 47gibberish, 48gibberish...".

How do I batch-rename the files into something like this: "D2018.1, D2018.2, D2018.3..."?

Have you looked at the options in Finder under File>Rename...? If I select a group of files and choose this option I can create a custom format similar to what you are looking for, although the syntax might be slightly different.

I suggest using a character other than the period, like a space or dash before the incremented number since traditional file systems reserved the period to begin the file extensions (.jpg for example).


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
Have you looked at the options in Finder under File>Rename...? If I select a group of files and choose this option I can create a custom format similar to what you are looking for, although the syntax might be slightly different.

Wow. I've been using Macs since the System 6 days, and needed this, and didn't know this feature existed. (I'm sure it was only added recently.... )
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 24, 2014
Have you looked at the options in Finder under File>Rename...? If I select a group of files and choose this option I can create a custom format similar to what you are looking for.

Yes, I have. That's why I stated the corresponding thread tags.

But I don't see how to rename the way I've stated above. The Finder seems to offer either concatenation or renaming the only one string. But my files are all have a unique title.

I will use "your" dashes instead of "my" dots.


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2017
Automator has a batch rename task. Start off your workflow with a 'Get Specified Finder Items' task (or similar) and then add a 'Rename Finder Items' task. It lets you change text, add a sequence number and so on.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2003
Yes, I have. That's why I stated the corresponding thread tags.

But I don't see how to rename the way I've stated above. The Finder seems to offer either concatenation or renaming the only one string. But my files are all have a unique title.

I will use "your" dashes instead of "my" dots.

I might be misunderstanding exactly what you need, but I was able to rename four test files as D2018-1, D2018-2, D2018-3, D2018-4 by selecting them all and using the following steps in File>Rename

1. Choose Format (instead of Replace Text or Add Text
2. Name Format > Name and Index
3. Custom Format: D2018-
4. Where > after name
5. Starts number at: 1

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Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 9.45.26 AM.png
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