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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Aug 1, 2004
Got a new MBP, and upgraded to High Sierra on the first day. I formatted to APFS (Case-Sensitive + Encrypted). I wasn't sure which one to choose, so I just chose that one. I tried installing Adobe CC, but it can't be installed onto case-sensitive volumes. I'm not exactly competent in this stuff, so excuse my lack of knowledge in the area.

So I created a new partition on my current drive without the case sensitivity (still encrypted), and did a Time Machine backup. I restored the TM back to the new partition, but the volume has changed to just case sensitive (not encrypted). What happened? Did I make a mistake? Why did it change?

Is there a better way to tackle this?

EDIT: If anyone had this problem, I guess you can't restore to a case-insensitive format, from a case sensitive one. I reinstalled High Sierra and started fresh. Manually moving data back again.
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